#Chapter 182

#Chapter 182- Selene Decides


I had a nightmare like this once: being helpless before Blaise while my family hangs in the balance. However even my worst dreams couldn’t have predicted this fate: being forced to choose between Bastien’s life and my own. Bastien is roaring and raging at me, ordering me to leave him behind, but I can’t bring myself to turn my back on him. Every time I see the knife go deeper into his back, Luna howls in agony and despair, freezing me in place.

I know Blaise’s offer is a trap, but I also know that there’s no way I can undo what he’s already discovered. One way or another Blaise knows who I am now, he knows where I live and he knows about my unborn child. He doesn’t know about Lila, and the only person in Tartarus who might have betrayed her existence to him is dead now. If I run away now, he’ll simply follow me back to Elysium, and then there’s no guaranteeing that I can keep my daughter safe.