La Signora [2/4]

Everything under the heavenly throne is of little importance.

The heavenly throne exists as a way for the 'Second who Came' to govern the world that it took from the Primordial One.

And that is its only purpose.

It is like fate. Indifferent towards everything and changes for no one.

One of such people who wanted to escape a fate she desperately tried to keep ended up burning away her life for love.

She died the moment she used that forbidden power she learned from the Land of Wisdom.

And just as phoenixes get reborn after dying, so did she.

From the ashes, something other than the indifferent fate handed a hand over to her.

* * *

"You... What do you intend to do with this?" La Signora looked at the thin book in her hand as she coldly spoke to Igarashi.

The latter, keeping up a confident persona, shrugged. "As I told you before. I am a Mangaka. I write and draw stories to tell the people. As such, it brings me no greater pleasure than writing stories."

'And money.' He secretly added.

"..." La Signora looked at the man sitting across her and observed him.

Crossing her arms, she spoke. "Boy, you have a lot of courage. I have seen many people from the seven nations that have that greed in your eyes."

"And even within our motherland, the only one I know that has a great greed is a colleague." She mentioned a certain Harbinger.

After saying this, ice started forming beneath her feet that quickly went to Igarashi's side.

"Urgh!" Igarashi groaned as thick ice covered his foot. "What's the meaning of this?!"

'And system, didn't you have a self-defense feature?' He thought

However, just as he subconsciously asked that, the ice covering his foot started melting.

Seeing this, he took a moment to compose himself and asked Signora. "Why... did you do that?"

"I have my reasons." She replied. She was quite satisfied by his reaction. "One is seeing you get hurt."

'This woman...' Although Igarashi looked only a bit troubled outside, things were different inside his mind. 'Making a deal with her was a mistake.'

'This isn't Liyue where promises are like contracts...'

However, in the next moment, a small smug appeared on her face. "Nevertheless, I shall still read your story."

After saying this, she picked up the thin book and opened it.

"..." Seeing her doing this, a single thought appeared in Igarashi's mind. 'This woman... Is truly insane.'

Just a moment ago, she was peacefully reading a manga, then she attacked him, and now she went back to reading.

'Her actions are unpredictable...' He thought.

Thinking of this, he stood up and decided to return to making new chapters.

Sharply looking at Sasori, he gently nodded. The latter saw the Igarashi's nod and did the same.

* * *

Opening the book that was given to her, Signora started reading.

Although she did not openly admit it, whenever the Jester or Tsaritsa aren't signing her up for a mission, she would sometimes read a book.

As a strong nation, Snezhnaya has a grand library that has books from all over Teyvat.

Signora does not remember when or how, but during her time in the Fatui, she somehow picked up the hobby of reading and poetry.

However, due to the latter giving her a deep reminder of Mondstadt— a nation she deeply hates for unknown reasons— she never tried to read any poems.

For as long as she remembered, she was just a raging monster that was later found by the First Harbinger, the Jester.

Reading the first page of the book, a complicated expression appeared on Signora's face.

'In Old Mondstadt, there was a crimson-clad maiden who would sing in the square.' She read.

This text was inside a white box and under it, a beautiful drawing of a woman with platinum-blonde hair was sitting near a fountain as she sang.

Seeing this, the complicated expression in Signora's mind became more detailed. 'Why did that man give me this? It is nothing but a nonsensical story.'

Although she said that, there was one more thing deep inside her.

She did not know why, but despite not finding the story interesting at all, a sudden curiosity bloomed in her heart.

'But... Even if it is a ludicrous story, it still has a touch of interest.' She thought with a slight nod. Looking at the art style, she made another gentle nod. 'And that man... Amon... Has a rather peculiar style of painting.'

Having thought of this she continued reading.

Turning a page, the scenery changed to two people holdings hands.

It was the woman from before that was now holding the hand of a man clad in armor.

'She beloved by a knight named Rostam, and loved in return.' The same narrative text appeared on the page

Seeing the word 'Rostam' Signora's movement suddenly stopped.

"What...?" She muttered in a low voice.

Something... Inside of her. Something deep inside her mind reacted to that name.

'Rostam...' She thought of the name. 'Why does that name...'

Suddenly, a brief flash of memories went inside her mind.

Two broken memories she thought had long disappeared. It was a memory of a broken sand glass and a book with her bloodied hands.

'Why are these memories inside me?!' She thought, wide-eyed.

Trying her best to keep a calm composure, she expected to rampage due to the stress.

But contrary to her expectations, her rampage did not happen, and no flames busted out of her.

Seeing this, she quickly looked at the book in her hand. 'That man...'

'He knows something about me.' She thought of Igarashi. 'He knows something that triggered some kind of memory...'

However, calming herself down, she shook her head. 'The situation has now turned complicated.'

'I must not expose him to the other Harbingers...' She thought as she knows too well how her colleagues operate. 'The Tsaritsa... Only her graceful majesty would understand.'

'Surely her majesty knows how it feels if something you want gets taken by others...'

Thinking of this, she let out a small nod. Calming herself down, she picked up the thin book and continued reading.

On the next page, it had the same scene from before. However, this time, everything was in flames.

'But while she was studying abroad, Calamity came upon her land.' The narrative text said.

She continued to read and thought of something. 'Rostam... Why does such a name bring me sorrowful feelings?'

However, seeing the blonde woman in the book, her eyes turned wide. 'No... It can't be...'

Having thought of this, she continued reading without stopping or thinking of anything else.

All she wanted to do was to confirm her suspicions.

On the next page, a shadow of a dragon appeared with the narrative text saying: 'A venomous dragon and monsters drowned the city in blood.'

'Durin.' La Signora quickly made a single thought. She knows of this dragon because the dragon had strong ties with the cataclysm.

Turning another page, a drawing of the man covered in blood appeared. He was but of many victims of the cataclysm.

The narrative told: The knight, spent of his lifeblood, thought: "She is abroad studying, so she should be well". But ah, how I wish to hear her song again.

Before leaving to protect Mondstadt, the man named Rostam gave a timepiece to his lover and told her that once all the sand drops down, they shall meet again. But alas, fate was cruel and indifferent.

Biting her lip as new memories entered her mind, La Signora continued reading.

Looking at her actions, Sasori shook his head.

Flipping another page, the platinum-blonde woman returned from the Land of Wisdom only to hear the news of her lover dying valiantly on the battlefield.

'Upon the Maiden's return, she wept until her voice and years had run dry.' The narrative said as the drawing of the maiden crying of blood was shown.

In the next few pages, it depicted the maiden's suffering. From her using a forbidden art she learned from the Land of Wisdom to transform her body into that of a living flame to "Burn away all Monsters".

For an unknown amount of time, she had done nothing but burn every last bit of monsters she saw.

That is until... The first Harbinger, the Jester appeared and offered her a delusion and a position in his organization.

And finally, in the last three pages, the woman was brought forth in front of a majestic-looking figure.

"Sorry... To also have you shoulder the grievances of this world." The queen asked as she approached the platinum-blonde woman.

"Since you could endure my bitter cold, then you must have the desire to burn?" The page turned to that of a drawing of one fire crystalfly.

"Then, burn away the world for me." The finally, all of La Signora's speculations were confirmed.

On the last page of the book, the 8th Fatui Harbinger, La Signora, was shown.

"Boy..." La Signora said with a trembling voice towards Sasori.

"Yes?" Sasori answered. He was surprisingly calm.

"Do you have... Any tea here?" She asked, still keeping her head low.

"I think there should be." Sasori shrugged.

Slightly lifting her head to look at Sasori, La Signora asked him with a demanding tone. "Brew me one. Now."

"Alright." Sasori said with a nod. After saying this, he went upstairs to enter the portal to Liyue to get some tea.

However, stopping midway through the stairs, he looked at Signora for a moment before slightly shaking his head.

'Looks like he was right.' He thought. 'She really did... cry.'

* * *

(Illustrations) (Credits to @Astruma2 on Twitter)