Three Days Ago (2)

Three Days Ago...

"Baby! What is it?" My dad asked running back to me. His hands were shaking as he tapped my cheeks gently. I wasn't in shock anymore, but I couldn't move. My nerves froze as I watched fear eat up my dad, because of me.

What is going on?

"Xena, baby! Talk to me!" He pleaded. His eyes had gotten a deeper shade of red again. This time, he didn't stop the tears from falling.

Is something wrong with me?

My dad, who was the most carefree of my parents. The parent who allowed Kelvin to play pranks on him and never got worried if we caught a cold, was crying in front of me for the first time in my life. There was this fear in his eyes like he was going to lose me.

"Do I have cancer?" I blurted out, fear also crawling unto me.

"No no no, baby no!" He cried out wiping his tears. "You are absolutely fine."

"Why are you crying? What is wrong with me?" I asked, my own tears threatening to also spill. It had to be something having to do with me.

"Hmmm —you were —you were not responding a minute ago," he stuttered, "you scared me."


"What did you see? Was it a woman?" He asked, holding his breath for my answer.

"A woman?" I wondered, confused.

Is a woman connected to all of these?

What woman?

"Yes. Did you see a woman? Is that what got you non-responsive?" He continued. There were goosebumps on his skin and I could feel the heat of his breath as he spoke.

"No, dad. I didn't see anybody," I quickly answered. I was afraid if I delayed my answer any longer, my dad would probably have a heart attack.

He sighed with relief and hugged me again, "oh, thank God! So what did you see?"

"The fake lizard?" I said still wondering what the talk about 'the woman' was all about.

"Did you say fake?" He asked, suddenly remembering the whole lizard situation. He turned around and caught sight of it just as it was being pulled out of the window.

"Argh! what do I do with this child? Look at the mess he made me do!" He spoke to himself.

There were a lot of things going on in this family. Everyone was going through a sort of emotional situation and Kelvin! He was not making things easy for anyone!

"Xena, why don't you go to your room and let me quickly fix all these before your mum gets home?"

"Let me help you," I offered.

"No no, I-I I can handle it. It's fine," he rushed.

I knew how much he hated house chores but he probably needed to put himself together after breaking down like that in front of me. I also needed to go find that rogue of a brother and put him in his place.

"Okay, dad. I'll go now." I gave him a peck on the cheek and left the room.

As I pulled the door close behind me, I saw the human I was heading to find.


We were both in the corridor. We were heading to his room and I was heading to him. Seeing him, increased my anger towards him. He was playing pranks on dad when he knew very well the man was going through stuff —stuff which I didn't know about, yet.

I walked faster and I met him halfway to his room. "Hey, dingbat?" He greeted, a mischievous grin sitting on his lips.

Not responding to him, I grabbed his hands and dragged him down the way he came towards my room.

"Slow down, Dingbat! I know your date didn't go so well yesterday but that doesn't justify you hitting on your own brother!" He said snickering as I shoved him into my room.

I needed to be emotionally strong to talk some sense into this boy and that strength had to start by ignoring his petty taunting —which is so difficult to do right now.

"I would never hit on you because you are my brother," I answered as calmly as I could muster. Living under the same roof with Kelvin without killing him in his sleep was a miracle he should be grateful for.

"What if I wasn't your brother then? Would you hit on me?" He countered.

"I would never hit on you!" I snapped. "That isn't even why I dragged you here! Our parents have been acting weird and you add to their worries by pranking them!" I screamed in rage.

"Our parents have always been weird, look at us? Who births a dingbat and a marvelously created sexy genius in the same house? Weird right?" He was totally nonchalant about it. He just didn't care!

"And I thought we could have a civil conversation!" I screamed, unable to control myself any longer. What sort of son cared less about his own parents!

"But we are having a civil conversation. It's just boring," he announced yawning dramatically.

"Get out of my room!" I shouted.

"You wish you could be like me," he said, moving towards the door.

"You want to know what I wish for?" I spat. Anger brew hot within me.

"What, dingbat?" He asked, looking back at my flushed face.

"I wish you never existed! I wish some misfortune can just befall you and you die!" I shout whispered.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I had gone too far but it was too late to take it back. Somehow, he did deserve it for being such a pest in all our lives.

"Be careful what you wish for... you might just get it," he whispered, a flash of pain crossing his face as he trailed off in thought.

I really shouldn't have said that.

"...and if it does happen, you'll wail a lot for me because you can't live without me. Let's face it. Bye, dingbat!" He shouted over his shoulders, leaving me to my guilt.

What have I done?