The Crucifix

Diane suddenly got up from the bed and moved to a corner of the small room. She seemed to be searching for something and her breathing was coming in fast. I strained my neck trying to figure out what it was she was searching for.

"Do you need something?" I asked when I noticed she was growing impatient. My heart was starting to pick up the pace for she was acting really strange. Was something wrong?

Did she forget something or was something coming?

Unable to wait anymore, I moved from my position and walked closer to her. Buy as I moved to touch her, she suddenly turned to point something sharp at me.

"Stay back!" She roared.

I frowned staring down at the weapon in her hand. Was this girl normal?

"Diane—" I started to say but she didn't let me finish before menacing me with the weapon in her hand. She launched it toward me and I had to take a step back to protect my face. The movement almost made my poor glasses fall off my face.