Xena's Humanity

I stared hard at the skeletal man ahead of us and my heart sank even deeper. There was just no way we could both make it out of this hole alive. One of us would have to stay.

My eyes stung as tears threatened to drop. why was I always found in such hard situations? For some crazy reason, I saw the two sisters again at the beach —Harley and Tess.

Theirs must have felt like this too. They must have been pushed to the wall like this as well. But was killing the other the best thing?

"No," I whispered unconsciously. 

"What?" Diane asked me. 

I felt a large lump in my throat and it itched to be let out. My heart skipped a beat as fear and pain with a blend of hopelessly washed over me. How was I supposed to protect and save anyone if I couldn't even save myself?

"No, what?" She queried further.