The Nightmare isn't Over


Another day had passed by the time I opened my eyes again. But this time I wasn't woken by the sounds of people down my window or the sounds of knocks. It was the smell of my mother's food that woke me. The air felt natural like a normal school day in my house.

I didn't want to fall for this but the pull was too strong. No one could stay for days without their mother and the entire family and then a chance to see them presents itself and I am expected to be strong and remain in my room. No way!

My curiosity got the better of me and I got up quickly from the bed. As I pulled my door open, the smell of my mother's special chocolate waffles filled the air. I could have sworn something clicked inside of me. I believed the facade.

Maybe it was the loneliness. Maybe it was the familiar smell and the joy it always brought me but whatever the case, I ran down the stairs to meet my mother.