Xena: My dream

I had just barely closed my eyes when I found myself in my house. I knew I was dreaming for I felt myself watching another Xena as she opened her eyes to a new day. 

The strong pang of hunger hit her immediately. I realised that she hadn't eaten anything since the previous day. Suddenly we were one and I felt everything she felt.

I reluctantly dragged myself out of my room and down to the kitchen. I wasn't strong enough to make myself some real food so I opted for some pieces of bread and peanut butter as always. Pushing the dreadful feeling around me away.

This was just a bad dream. I would just eat and then go back to my horrible life. It was just funny that I was dreaming of my state. Weren't people supposed to dream of the future or the past? And by past, I mean long ago. Like maybe how this whole Zula thing came into existence.