Xena: The Ritual

As the cackles start, I could feel my heart beating along with them. Each increase in frequency acted as another hope that my brother could be the next sound. Each jolt was another build of intensity that reminded me that the world wasn't a bed of roses. Trouble could loom at any time. I had to be very vigilant. 

With the walkie-talkie still clutched in my hand, I threw my head around the perimeter to make sure Zula hadn't sent something to me yet. This was one of her tactics. Most times, Zula waited for me to get distracted before she acted. She was like a hungry lioness waiting for her prey to make a running move before she attacked. 

"Xena, are you there?" Kelvin's voice suddenly brought my mind back to the device in my hands.

This time I could hear myself loud and clear. I clutched the device and brought it close to my mouth.