Xena: Survival


The cackles of the walkie-talkie long forgotten in my bag extracted me from my shock.

"Kelvin!" I whisper-yelled as I clutched the device to my ear.

"Xena! Xena, are you alright?" The sound of his voice awakened a smile on my face.

"Kelvin, I am fine. Where are you? Please come and get me. Zula will kill me!" I cried to the device.

"Zula will what? Why? Who is this Zula?" He asked I could imagine him frowning at the entire name.

"Zula is the spirit of the Ocean. She is very powerful. She is the spirit god of Aromes. I can't beat her but I can run. Please come get me out of here!" Tears were all over my face as I cried into the device. The whole situation was finally just getting to me. I would not be able to go on like this. Especially since I knew what exactly this Zula wanted to do to me and what she was capable of. How could I even imagine standing up to a spirit when I am just ordinary?