Rema: The Dead Body

I could hear Xena's screams from the store where I had been searching if I would see any weapon. A bat, gun or anything at all that I could use to protect her with.

My heart pricked and I ran out of the store as the thumping of my heart resonated above her screams. I couldn't begin to imagine what might have happened. I only knew one thing, I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her. She had totally refused to come here but I had led her here still. Now she was screaming.

I got to the parlour and I was about to take the stairs when I saw her dress flash to the ground. My heart reached my throat as I feared she might have collapsed. But as I took the bend to the kitchen where she was —in fact standing, I couldn't get through.

"What the heck!" I cussed as I tried to push past the barrier I couldn't even see.

"Xena!" I screamed at her but she didn't even move a muscle in my direction.