Rema: The dream

Her lips tasted just like I had imagined them to. I pulled her head closer and deepened the kiss. I wanted her to realise how much I loved her. I let my love flow through the kiss. 

She held my face in her soft hands and leaned even closer to me. I could feel her nipples touching against my chest. I wanted her too but I didn't want it to be because she felt she wouldn't survive this episode of her life.

"Xena..." I called softly as I withdrew from her.

She searched my eyes as she looked confused. Her flushed face and swollen lips made it hard for me to hold back but I had to.

"Whats wrong? Dont you want me anymore?" She asked and I felt like a portion of my heart was falling apart.

"No! Xena never! I will always love you."

"Then why did you stop?" There was a single tear in her eyes and I knew I would break down if I didn't stop it from falling.

I reached my hand to her eyes and wiped it off before it brought more damage.