Kelvin: Mission Impossible

I now turned to the people around me. 

"Today it is my sister. Tomorrow it might be yours! What's the point if we are all going to die anyway?"

They were all listening to me and my heart was pumping blood fast. Time was running out and my sister needed me. I hoped they could key into my pain and understand me. I prayed they could let me go and save my Xena.

Suddenly, Mr Olaf joined the crowd.

"We are not all going to die. Only the chosen die. If we stop the ceremony, that's when we will all die!" He said in his scrawny voice.

Everyone turned to him and I could see a sort of relief on their faces. They were happy only my sister would die and they wouldn't. How selfish!

"Do not listen to this crazy boy. His family was picked for a reason. No one is going to die as long as that girl dies!" He spat bitterly.

"And for how long?"