Too Big To Count

Blan was becoming very interested in Lian's group. "What about you being able to control several elements?" Blan asked again. "It looked like you could control Fire, Lightning, and Wind at the same level of proficiency. Just which one is your affinity? Also, can everyone from your world use all the elements that easily?"

Carol was the one to answer that, saying, "Actually, Lian is basically the only one like that. I already found out that I have Poison Affinity. As for Duran, we haven't figured out his affinity yet. All we can tell is that we can't use other elements like Lian can. Believe us, we tried a lot!"

Blan pondered in silence for a bit before reaching for the huge bag on the side of his mount. "Here, take it, you three. These are all Star Energy Absorption Manuals of several elements. Let me see if Lian really is the only one capable of doing it."

In the end, Duran finally learned that he had Earth Element Affinity, thanks to one of the manuals from Blan. However, that was all. Neither Duran nor Carol could use an element that wasn't their affinity. If they wanted to do that, they would need to practice a lot for a long time, just like any other Star Energy Warrior. Not to mention that they would never reach the same level with other elements as they could with their affinities.

As for Lian...

Lightning, Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Poison, Wood, Ice, you name it... Lian could literally use every single element among the several manuals Blan passed for him to try. "Thanks, Senior Blan. These manuals are sure to help me a lot in the future."

Blan bitterly smiled after hearing that. He suffered so much to be able to use Fire and Water Element to become a Star Apothecary. Yet, Lian could do it countless times better after only trying a few times. However, he quickly recovered as he saw a huge opportunity right in front of him. "Lian, have you ever thought about becoming a Star Apothecary?"

Lian faintly smiled after hearing that, saying, "Senior Blan? We fell from the skies into this world around three days ago. Do you think I would have thought about something like that? At the moment, I'm just trying to survive as we were very lucky to be found by Tuly and his group. Even if you ask me that, I can't even tell whether it's a good thing or not." Of course, that was a lie. Lian wanted exactly that at the moment.

Blan nodded, not condemning Lian's group for that. "True, true... sorry for being inconsiderate. Now then, let me explain it to you. Star Apothecaries are indeed very respected in any city. After all, we can create many medicines that can heal or help the Star Energy Warriors progress in their training. The very reason why I contracted your group to protect me is that there's an item I need in Ostalas to create one of those medicines."

"Let's say I take you in as my disciple. Most of the people in Tume City won't dare to cause you trouble. For newcomers like you three, this safety measure should be quite welcome, don't you think?" Blan asked.

Lian shrugged his shoulders after hearing that. "From what I heard from what they do to the Star Apothecaries' disciples, the apothecaries make them work to a half-dead state and never teach them anything. If that's the future awaiting my friends and me, then I would rather focus on being a Star Energy Warrior. That seems a much better way to keep ourselves safe."

Blan couldn't help but sigh in response. That's because he was definitely one of the apothecaries that did it. "I won't lie here since it seems you know the truth. That's correct. I'm no exception to this rule either. At the moment, I have fifteen disciples, but I only taught my apothecary skills to one of them. Plus, I've only taught just the bare minimum. None of them have conquered my trust yet."

Blan then patted Lian's shoulders, continuing, "However, I don't even care if you're that loyal or not. With your knowledge alone, it's definitely worth it for me to take you as a disciple and teach you everything. I only ask you one thing, to not pass my methods to others unless you're willing to take a disciple yourself."

"Isn't this way too simple?" Lian couldn't help but ask, even though he was happy with that.

Tuly and the others nodded in agreement. They also found it too simple. They all believed that Blan had some other motive behind his words.

Blan didn't deny that. "Indeed, there's a condition. I intend to use your skills in the near future. There's a certain event that will happen in the neighboring city of Klastel, and I will need an assistant during that time. If you prove to me that this 'chemistry' knowledge of yours is really worth it, then I will teach you everything I know and bring you with me."

Sure enough, there was no such thing as free lunch in this world. "That's fine. However, what if I don't meet your expectations?"

Blan faintly smiled in response. "I won't have you killed, but I also won't teach you anything anymore. Of course, that's only if you don't do something idiotic as spreading what you learned during this time from me to the others."

Lian looked at Tuly and the others, and he could see the excitement on their faces. It was as if they were all screaming for him to take the offer. "Sigh... fine! I'll give this Star Apothecary job a try. I also believe my knowledge as a chemistry teacher will be of great help to me."

Blan nodded, satisfied. "Great! Then it is a deal!"

Blan also took the opportunity to ask, "By the way, what kind of medicines did you have back in your world?"

Lian looked at Carol and Duran as they looked back at Blan. Soon, he replied, "Well, the number was too big for us to count."