Chapter 30 Mystification

"Aida, are you alright?" her parents asked chorally.

Vanessa held Aida who kept shaking out of fright. Raymond rushed to the fridge to get her water as Vanessa helped her to lie down. Raymond opened the bottle of water and handed it to Aida, who in turn took a sip and returned it to him.

"I'm fine now. Thank you" Aida replied.

"What happened?" Raymond asked.

The shock that was registered on Raven's face after he shook her hands made, both Raymond and Vanessa suspect something might have happened. Aida's behavior after he had shook her hands had confirmed their suspicion.

"I felt something strange going on in my body. I felt hot after shaking his hands. And the heat, turned to pains. It felt like something was been scribed on my body." Aida replied frightened.

"Which part of your body?" Vanessa asked curiously.

"The left side of my body. My waist to mid thigh" Aida replied.

"Can i see it? Or?" Vanessa asked as she turned to look at Raymond. Raymond got the message and started to walk away when Aida called out;

"Dad, you have to see this" Aida said extending her left hand in his direction.

Raymond rushed to her side and examined it for a few seconds.

"May I?" Raymond asked for her permission to raise her nightie as he smiled at Aida.

Aida nodded in approval. Raymond raised Aida's nightie, only to have his suspicion confirmed! Vanessa looked as shocked as Raymond.

"No, no, no, Raymond! Is this real?" Vanessa bursted out as soon as she jolted out of her stupor.

"Relax, Vanessa." Raymond replied calmly.

"You knew?" Vanessa asked, looking intently at Raymond.

"Not as much as I know now" Raymond replied honestly.

"Dad, mum, what's happening? What are these markings on me? Where did they come from? How do I get rid of them?" Aida asked perplexed.

"I don't know what exactly is going on, but i know those markings are permanent. I'm sure Raven has answers to all these. For now, one thing's for sure, Raven's next visit would be soon. Much earlier than anticipated" Raymond replied.

"I can't go to school looking like this" Aida said as she stared at the tattoos which had suddenly appeared on her body.

"I'll talk to Aunt Rose about it." Vanessa replied.

"It's been quite a tough day, i guess" Raymond said as he stared at the tired faces of Vanessa and Aida. "Get some sleep. I'll leave four men here just in case of anything"

"I think we should sleep here together" Aida said with pleading eyes.

"Alright, i will sleep here"


Ciara tried to digest the news Arnold just told Cindy and her.

"I have to move you two out of here, as soon as possible" Arnold said seriously.

"Wait Arnold! It's not because of what happened yesterday right?" Ciara asked perplexed.

"I'm not that childish, Ciara. All i want to do now, is to move you to a safer place. It's dangerous here. It'd soon be bloody here." Arnold replied honestly.
