Homeless Detective

"Look who it is, it's the homeless cop", sounded a voice in his ears as he opened his eyes to look around. He stretched his body as he woke up, and he saw two people walk past him. The smell of coffee wafted into his nose, and he got up from the floor. Folding the blanket in half, he saw a woman standing right in front of his desk.

"Cathy", he smiled as he looked at her. The woman was beautiful and had blonde hair. Her lips were alluring, but the frown on her face made him rethink about his decision to give her a kiss. He put his hands into his pockets, and pulled out a box of mints.

He popped two into his mouth, checked his breath before he talked. Looking around, he could see all eyes were on him. He was sure that whatever was thrown his way, he needed to tackle it carefully.

A bouquet of roses fell at his feet, she removed a watch from her wrist. The thing that Jack had feared was happening, and he was beginning to feel nauseous. He had his hands in his pockets as he fumbled with them nervously, keeping a cheeky smile on his face.

"You don't have to lie to me anymore. I have come to learn that you have lost everything and are sleeping in the station, as you have no place to call yours. We are done, and please don't come looking for me, Mr. Brown", she said as she shoved the watch right at him.

Jack smiled as he pocketed the watch, and pulled out a cup of water to rinse his mouth. After cleaning himself up, he began humming a tune as he picked up a mirror to check himself up.

He ran his hand through his dark brown hair which revealed his well toned muscular body, and slightly flexed his biceps. A cheeky smile on his face showed off his jaw line, which was defined very well. His brown eyes were scanning a document as he picked up a pair of glasses.

He picked up his coffee and began to drink it as he was sifting through a file on his desk, and another voice came to him.

"Yo, Jack! What's poppin?", he said as he approached Jack. He was slightly annoyed at the break up and was masking it with a grin, but his friend seemed to have noticed otherwise. He waved his hands, indicating that he wasn't in the mood to talk to him.

A newspaper was put in front of him, and the headlines were something that he didn't expect.

'After 50 years, The Hudson's and the Watsons have come to an agreement to let people stay in 221B, Baker Street'. Jack immediately grasped the paper with excitement, as he was a very big fan of Sherlock Holmes, and he aspired to be a detective as he was.

He began to read through the news, and was overwhelmed at the fact that he could have a chance at renting the place Sherlock was in. But in order for him to do that, Sherlock had written a test down, and only if they passed the test were they allowed as a tenant.

"Classic Sherlock move. No way he is going to let some riff raff come and stay in his place. I do wonder why he let Dr. Watson stay though", he thought as he cleaned his desk of the papers, and was about to leave.

"The chief wants to see you", came a female voice from behind him and he quickly ran towards the chief's office, wondering why he was summoned, as he had no case to work on at the moment.

"Come on in, Jack. I have heard that you have been evicted from your place as you were not able to pay the rent on time. I understand that it has been the responsibility of the department that your salary makes to you on time, and we are sorry about that", came the voice of a young man.

"Thank you for your concern, Chief Holmes. But I think I might have a new place to rent out, and I was thinking if you could give me a letter of recommendation so that I might have a chance at the exam", he said cheekily.

The Chief was a man in his fifties, but his voice and physique resembled one in their mid thirties. One could only tell he was old when they see the gray hair on his face and head, and he was even making a fashion statement out of his head.

A shrug was all he got back as response, and Jack understood his intentions. He bid his goodbye and left the room and left the station to go towards the place and determination was all over his face.

"That scum, first he steals my case and becomes chief, and now he won't give me a letter? Isn't he a Holmes? Why isn't he worried about Sherlock's house? Isn't it where their legacy began?", he thought as he walked aimlessly towards Baker Street.

He knocked into an old man, and almost knocked him over. His quick reflexes kicked in, and he held the man quickly. He helped the man up quickly, and thought about what he did.

"I am sorry, sir. It is my fault", he apologized as he looked at the man. The man smiled at him, and began walking away from him. Jack reached the place, and there was a long line of people waiting to enter and write the test.

"This seems like it is going to take a whole day. I am going to be so tired, and hungry", he thought as his stomach grumbled.


The old man reached an alleyway and he removed his mask. His walking cane turned into a belt, and he wrapped it around his waist. He pulled out his cell phone, and called someone. After a few rings, the line connected.

"Eagle reporting. No threats detected. Once we spot the person who rents the place, we can swoop in", he said. "Great, then we shall proceed with the plan", said the voice on the other side and the line went static.

"221B Baker Street, you shall be mine" , he said as he came out of the alleyway as a young man, and stood right behind Jack Brown.