A Tenant!

Jack was hiding behind a piece of concrete, and bullets were flying around him. The wall that was supposed to shield him was now breaking into bits and it was nearing its end. Jack was reloading his pistols, and a head popped right next to him.

He swiftly kicked the head that he saw, and the moment he did that, he was knocked unconscious. He didn't kill anyone, and all of his shots were non-lethal. But Sarah made sure they were dead.

His heart was beating hard and the adrenaline rush was too intense for him to handle. He was heaving out of breath and glanced a look at his watch. There were thirty minutes left, and he was almost about seven hundred meters away from the apartment.

He could see two figures behind them all, and it was none other than Dr. Watson and Mrs. Hudson. Both of them had a look of shock on their faces, and Jack saw that they were also being targeted by the people that were around him.

"Not them. They don't have anything to do with this. They just followed the procedure of Sherlock's Will", he thought as he racked his brain for a way out.

He heard a shot and saw three people fall to the ground. He quickly came out of the place and he began to run towards the apartment in a sprint. People came at him with everything, knives, clubs, bats, and all other sorts of weapons that he could see.

He skilfully dodged some of them, while he blocked the rest of them with his forearms. He used the momentum to his advantage as he saw openings in his opponent's attacks.

After successful shots taken by Sarah and eliminating most of the people that were in his way, he reached Dr. Watson and huffed in front of him. That was when he heard a familiar voice from behind Watson.

"Give up if you know what is good for you and the man in front of you", came the voice. Jack grunted in disdain, as he knew who the owner of the voice was,

"It hasn't even been a few hours and yet here you are, for a second round", he smiled as he looked at the Chief that was now towering in front of him. He held a fist in the air, which was a signal for Sarah to stop shooting.

A grin was spread on the chief's face, and he readied himself to attack Jack. Meanwhile, Jack was waiting for the chief to make the first move; Jack instantly understood his intentions, as he knew the amount of time that was left for him.

"I will not let him take it away. This is my only shot at getting a house. A home for me to go back to. I will not back down", he thought and he felt a newfound determination in him.

Jack took one step to make a punch and he felt something whiz past his ear. He knew what it was and he was angry at Sarah for taking the shot even after he instructed her to not take it.

The Chief was shot in his knee and fell to the ground. Jack didn't hesitate and used this chance to walk up to Watson, and he grabbed the key from him. There were ten minutes until the limit, and he had received the key to the apartment.

He raced to the room, which was upstairs, and entered it; He looked outside the window and saw a lot of dead people. "All this over a house. Just what is in here, or what exactly was in Sherlock's Will? That people are willing to go this far?", he thought,

At that moment, his phone rang. The called identity was hidden. Jack was tired of everything and he wanted this to be over. He picked up the call, only to hear a single raspy voice on the other end,

"I see you have made it into Mr. Holmes's house. Congratulations! For this, is just the beginning", he said and the call was cut.

Jack tried redialling it back in haste, and all he got as a response was that this number did not exist. He was baffled at the fact that someone was so skilled and yet unknown.

"The masters never show themselves", he thought as he looked back at the streets, and saw people clearing the bodies at a fast pace. A sweet voice came from behind him.

"Seems like this is all over, isn't it?", said Sarah. Jack didn't feel like talking with her, He believed that she had her agenda for getting here and that he must not mingle with her.

"Whatever it might be, I want no part of it. I want a peaceful life, and that shall begin now. And this might be my only chance to learn about the Legendary Sherlock Holmes. Oh, I must find the books that he wrote on deduction!", he thought as he was pumped into excitement,

But alas, the tiredness took over him and he slumped down on the sofa and fell asleep. Sarah was looking at him with a sweet smile on her lips, and placed a hand on his cheek,

"Oh Jack, how much I have longed to meet you, My Saviour", she whispered as she looked around, She found a blanket and covered him with it, as she jumped out through the window and into the streets, disappearing into the crowds.

Jack looked around the place he was in, and it was calm and peaceful A pathway was leading him somewhere, and he was wondering if he should take it, Curiosity got the best of him, and he began to walk down the path,

After a few steps, he entered a rather old part of town, and he looked around in unfamiliarity. The roads felt familiar to him but he still didn't know what he was doing there. He looked to the right and saw the Legendary 221B in its former glory.

And outside were two men, one with a walking came and the other with a pipe in his mouth. Smoke came out of his mouth, and his hat was lowered to his face.

"SHERLOCK?!", screamed Jack as he ran towards the men.