A Connection?

(An hour later)

Jack was there at the crime scene, and something inside him was telling him that this one and the one from before were similar. His instincts were telling him that, but he was a cop and he couldn't base this case on a hunch of his.

Thus, he began looking for evidence proving his theory was correct, and the killings might continue. He always trusted his instinct, as it was always right. But he never had the evidence to back it up.

Thus, he always ended up with the short end of the stick. He began to scour on information that matched the previous crimes, and the only thing that matched until now was the blast and the burns.

The bed was burnt to bits, and the wood was charred black. The two bodies were burnt beyond recognition, and there was no way to identify the body. His brain began to think, and he couldn't find anything.

"No hair, nor fingerprints. I thought there might be some teeth, with which I can identify this body. But the most terrifying part is this, all of his teeth has been melted away. It's like they don't want us to identify who this is", he thought as he looked around.

[Your First Case]

[Find Clues 2/3]

[Deduce and form a theory 0/1]

He was wondering what the clue was, but he had no idea what it was. He wasn't trusting the system, and he had yet to figure out what was happening with him. The phenomenon was new to him, and he had yet to uncover its mysteries.

"And then there is the fact that Sherlock Holmes was murdered. Wasn't it stated was a normal cardiac arrest due to old age", he thought. He couldn't find anything else as the place was cleaned up.

"What kind of a person knows what the police use to identify their victims? Hair, fingerprints, skin, and teeth. They have pretty much cleaned up this body. But the other one is burnt to a crisp. But she has some fingerprints", he looked at the forensics team.

"Even the great Sherlock had Molly. I might need a Molly of my own if I am going to investigate this case", he concluded and decided to approach one of the forensics when his mobile rang.

He heard his Chief's voice on the other end. Jack had no choice but to comply with his commands since he was his superior.

"Jack, you have forty-eight hours to find the culprit. Or else, you will be fired from the force", said the Chief. Jack clicked his tongue in annoyance, and just said a 'yes' in a plain voice. He left the place and put his hands in his pockets and began walking down the street.

"Is there any connection between him and the victim from before? But we can't even identify this guy. Even his ID is burned away. And the woman's teeth are the only thing taht we can use to extract a DNA and find who it was", he mumbled and walked aimlessly.

He felt his head hit on something solid and looked at a streetlight. He began to observe the surroundings, and they didn't match either.

"Whoever was the killer, came in through the front door, and left through the same. A master of disguise, and a man who is adept at leaving not a single trace", he concluded. He didn't know what was going on, and that these murders were making some of the higher officials upset.

"They pressure someone, and they pressure someone, and the chain follows up to Chief. And he pressures us", he sighed out loud. He knew that this process was the reason he was on a timer now, and he had not the slightest clue where to begin looking.

"Now that I think about it, the last victim was burnt but he had his teeth intact. Why does this one not? Maybe this is something I must find out", he thought and ran back inside, intending to find someone from the Forensic department to befriend. He approached someone from the team from behind.

"Excuse me?", he said as he placed his hand on the shoulder. The person turned and Jack had a look of surprise on his face as he looked at her. It was none other than his roommate, Sarah.

"What are you doing here?", he asked as he looked at her. She smiled at him faintly and handed him a card, which contained her details. He looked at the card and back at her, as he was still shaking from the fact that she worked in forensics.

"And here I was wondering where to find my Molly when she was next to me all along. I was wondering if I could make her my Watson, but it seems like I must find a new Watson", he thought as he smiled at her and began to think about how to make her give him details on the autopsies.

"What are you here for? If you don't have anything to tell me, we can meet back home", she said with a pleasant smile. Jack nodded his head and placed his hands in his pocket, and moved away from her to allow her to keep working.

Jack looked around and found nothing of interest to him, and he left the place. He began to investigate the club and saw that they allowed both couples and bachelors inside.

'Now, I must find the manager and ask him some questions, and look into the CCTV footage to find if someone suspicious pops into my view', he thought as he let out a sigh.

'And they just give me 48 hours to solve this case. Let's have fun, I guess', he thought as he walked towards the security room, with a smile wide on his face, and the adrenaline was pumping in his body.

"I missed this thrill. Now, two shall play at this game, serial killer", he muttered as he knocked on the door of the security room, and let himself in.