Right Under Our Noses!

(Outside Henry's Apartment)

Jack pulled the car over as he signaled Steven to pause his story. He was interested in listening to what had happened, but right now, he had a target that he had to achieve, and thus he was invested in that.

"But what did happen after? He never told me what the plan was", he thought. He looked at the building opposite him, and then back at the neighborhood. It was a very silent neighborhood, and there were scarcely people around.

"Who are we protecting?", asked Steven eagerly. Jack and he were buddies ever since they trained back at the academy, and if Jack wanted someone he could trust, he was sure Steven would have his back.

"Henry Winchester", he said. Steven looked shocked right after he heard the name. He had his mouth wide open, and Jack felt that flies would enter quite easily into his body. Jack closed his mouth with his hand, and they both laughed heartily.

"Just like the old days, huh?", he chuckled as he pulled his firearm from the side. Jack placed his hand on his forearm and shook his head sideways. Steven understood the reason, and he placed it back inside.

The both of them walked towards the door and knocked on it thrice. There was no response, and he was wondering what was wrong. He then knocked once more and then rang the bell. There was still no response.

He took a few steps back and was about to ram his shoulder into the door, and he saw the face of a beautiful woman right after the door opened. Jack put on a smile on his face and pulled out his ID.

"Hello Ma'am. I am Detective Jack Brown, from the Police Department. I am here under orders from Chief Holmes, to protect Mr. Henry Winchester", he said in a formal tone. The woman had a smile on her face as she indicated for them to follow her, and both of them followed her.

She began to move her hands about, and Jack didn't understand at first. Then he understood that the woman was unable to talk, and she was using hand signals to communicate.

"He is my Dad, and he is in his meeting room. He said he was meeting with someone important, and thus asked me to refrain from allowing any visitors inside", she said in hand signs. Jack knew a few hand signs, and he began to converse with the lady.

"I thank you, Ms. Winchester. But I would like to see Mr. Henry as soon as I can. As I am to stay here twenty-four seven. That is why there are two of us here, to take shifts and monitor", he replied to her.

The woman was taken aback when she saw him speak to her in hand signs. She was looking for her interpreter who would translate, but it seemed to her that it was unnecessary for her at the moment. A smile was seen on her face, as she had rarely found someone who could communicate in hand signs with her.

Steven was enjoying the scenery that was going on in front of him, and he began to scan the house that he was supposed to protect. It was an ordinary two-bedroom apartment, and he was confused as to how someone like Henry, who was a retired MMA fighter, stay in a place like that.

The lounge was what a normal person would expect, with a normal television on the wall, and a five-seater sofa around a coffee table. There was a dining table for six next to the kitchen, and there were two bedrooms.

He looked into the first and it was crisp and clean. The bed was made and the table had neatly stacked books on the left and some stationery on the right. A flower vase with a couple of roses in it, which looked fresh.

The second bedroom was locked, and Steve was about to knock on the door when the woman came running to him and held his hand from knocking. She had a look of warning in her eyes, and Jack smiled at Steven. He stopped his hand and slipped it into his pockets.

Jack looked at her with a smile and he nicked swiftly. She looked at him in horror, and the look was filled with fear. Jack noticed the look and wondered what would be wrong when the door opened with a bank.

"FIONA!", he bellowed right after he opened only to be confronted by two cops. Jack and Steven stood in his way, stopping him from reaching her. The woman flinched the moment she heard the voice, and this confirmed his suspicions.

"We're here on behalf of Cheif Holmes. We have been ordered to provide security to all high client profiles", he said as he placed his hand on his chest and gave him a slight shive to stop him from going towards her.

The man calmed down a moment and then presented a pleasant smile on his face. He shook hands with the both of them and flashed a glare at Fiona, who once more hid behind Jack timidly.

He was sure what was going on by the way she had behaved, but he couldn't do anything without any evidence. Thus, he began to play the waiting game. The man went back inside his room and came out in a training suit. He looked at the two of them.

"If you're here for my protection, what are you doing here? Get up, I am going out for a run", he commanded the two of them. Steve was about to burst into anger when Jack held him back. He shook his head sideways, indicating that this was useless.

He got up with a smile, and the three of them began to take a jog around the place. The man was quite athletic, proving that he was a former MMA fighter. Jack and Steven were keeping up well until the man began to speed up. Jack help up just fine, but he slowed down just for Steven to be next to him.

"So, what happened? Did you save the woman that you wanted to? And how are you here if one of them knew you were a mole?', he asked his question. Steve had a smirk as his reply and left Jack wondering what might have happened when he saw someone bump into his target.

The person who bumped in had their face covered and was sporting a black hoodie with black trainers and jogging pants. They passed by Jack and Steve, and the two of them kept following Henry, and they saw him get out of breath.

They caught up with him quickly and saw him coughing up blood from his mouth. His eyes widened in horror when he saw the two of them next to him. Blood began to run down his nose and out from his ears, and trickles of blood began to stream from his eyes.

"They got me! But how?", he said his last words as his lifeless body fell to the ground face facing the ground. Jack balled his fists and began to look around for the person that had knocked him.

"RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES!", he exclaimed in surprise and pulled out his gloves, ready to begin his work.


Was extremely sick and thus no updates. I'm doing okay now, and I will be doing updates until reaching the number it must have reached by now.

My Other Works - System: Inherited