Chemical Bomb!

Jack had a look of terror, and the smile on his face was unnerving to him. The moment he looked at the bomb, he was baffled.

"It's not a blasting one. This one fucking melts!", came an astonished voice from Jack and everyone turned their heads towards Kevin.

He stood there, and the timer was counting down. He needed to make sure that he was thorough this time, as one wrong move might do something unexpected.

"Oh, don't worry. One wrong move would just blast the chemicals inside, and wherever it hits, it melts. Be it metal, wood, and even skin", he chuckled as he looked at the kids.

"How I wish I had a family like that. If only, I had had some money at that time", he thought as he looked at the horror on their faces.

He knew that whatever he did was wrong, but this was the predicament he was in. He was unable to accept that fact, and he tried to make it look like an accident to rid his guilt.

But that put him back unexpectedly, calling him "The Vanishing Chemist". That was when his value increased, and he used this chance to pay off the debt faster.

That was until this happened. He never expected Jack to intervene in something like this, and even rather, pull everyone out of danger whilst endangering himself.

"He's a fucking psychopath. But that's what I need to take down the man I'm aiming at", and that thought angered him more than anything. The people that were using his situation to make him do these, wanted to do the same to them.

"Using helpless people like us to do your dirty work", ran his train of thought as he watched Jack fiddle around with the bomb that was lying on the ground.

"What if I break the vials?", he heard as he watched Jack toss and turn the bomb around, and he was wondering if he would actually do it.

He watched as Jack lifted the bomb right above his head, and watched everyone take cover behind every desk that was available.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you", he warned and watched Jack turn his head towards him. The smile danced on his face like the devil, and Jack was contemplating if he should just kill him and get this over with.

"You do that, and this whole place goes up in smoke", he said and watched Jack's face turn from angry to calm again.

"Three minutes left", he said as he watched the timer that was running on the bomb. Jack knew that he was running out of time, and they had to act now if they were going to save everyone there.

He turned his head towards Steven, who was in turn looking at him for a solid plan to break out of it. Jack turned his eye toward Kevin, and he understood what was supposed to be done.

Steven immediately pounced on Kevin, and the latter just had a smile on his face. The timer which he had begun, was counting down, and Steven was trying to find the remote to shut it down.

"Oh, if you're looking for the remote. It's in my back pocket, but I think it's useless, as once the timer begins, it's unstoppable."

Jack and Steven froze at the announcement they heard and wondered what they could do to save everyone in under two minutes.

"Knock the fucking socks out of him. NOW!", commanded Jack and Steven complied with his command. He moved towards Kevin and immediately did a karate chop to the back of his head, and knocked him out.

"RUN! NOW! EVERYONE!", he said as he picked the bomb up and began to run up the stairs, punishing his legs which were too cramped to move.

Steven and the family of four were out, and they had Kevin on his shoulder, which was a sight to see. Even Sarah didn't think this would happen, but that was when she noticed that Jack was missing.

"Where's he?", she muttered as her eyes began to scan the building from the outside, and she saw a shadow run past the second-floor window.

"That idiot!", she placed both her hands on her head and knelt on the ground. She was heartbroken at the fact that something like this was happening, and that Jack was once again going to sacrifice himself.

"Just how many fucking times do you have to do this?", she thought as she looked at the figure run past the third floor.

And then, she heard the sound of a window breaking, and a body coming out of it. She couldn't hear anything, but she knew that it was Jack that was coming out of the window.

Steven ran the moment he saw him, and the two of them pulled a safety net to catch him. But that was when something happened, and he was thrown way off course from the place he should fall.


Once again, he was caught in the blast radius, and he felt a stinging on his back as a few drops of the chemicals began to melt his skin, barely.


A scream came from the sky and everyone watched as he plummeted down to the ground, and the two of them were late to catch him.

That was when a black sedan immediately appeared from the sidelines, and the roof opened, and he landed in the car. It took off without any warning, and Jack was left unconscious in the car.

"MOVE! NOW! EVERYONE! CHASE THAT BLACK SEDAN! AND REPORT EVERY MOVEMENT TO ME!", hollered a voice at everyone, and they turned to see Steven stand tall and bark orders.

He pulled up a car and stopped next to Sarah. Opening the door for her, she got in and the two of them sped off, and the chase began.

"Spotted vehicle at the second intersection, speeding North", came a voice on the radio of the car, and he pulled out his phone.

"Anne. Hack the lights", was all he did. The next moment, the lights began to change and the road for them was smooth.

"You're a sweetheart. I love it whenever you do this", he chuckled as he sped it off, and turned on the siren, and gave a high-speed chase.

"There's a reason why Jack let me drive most of the time. And today, I'll show you. Buckle up, Ms. Robinson", he said and she was astonished as to how he knew her name.

"It's my job to know things", he replied curtly and slammed the accelerator down.


My Other Works - System: Inherited