I woke up from my sleep, realizing it was all a dream.

"Ayla, you were sleeping for a long time," Jenny said.

"Is that a pleasant dream that you are having?" they asked, making me lose myself in my own world.

"I can't say it was good but I can't even say it was bad," I said while looking toward an empty space.

"What do you mean?" they asked.

"What do I mean?"

I smiled.

I didn't even forget whatever I saw in my dream. Everything was so vivid, as if all of this had happened just yesterday. The face, the voice, everything was so melodious, making me want to go there and hug him, expressing my feelings for him, but then I realized….

It was not only a pleasant dream, but it was also one of my nightmares.

The way I saw my old self there all shivering and feeling being self-conscious hurt me like crazy. I couldn't describe the feeling. I can't say is it my fear or is it something related to my memory loss? I have no idea.

"Hey, where did you lose yourself again?"