Five months later

"Aaron", she called me while I was making breakfast for her.

"Yes baby", I answered.

"Come here", she told me.

"Wait a minute, I'm almost done making breakfast for you," I said.

"Uwaaa so you are ditching me for food? I never knew your love will change like this." It's been days since her mood swings are at a high point still I manage somehow.

I brought the food and placed it in front of her.

"If I make breakfast just for you then how my love has changed?" I asked.

"I don't know." She pouted.

"You have just changed. You no longer look at me the way you used to. You no longer hurry when I call. You no longer love me anymore. Uwaaa, Aaron you baddie." She started hitting my chest.

But it only hurt her because of the rock-hard chest I have.

"There there calm down", I patted her head but she slapped my hand instead.

"Humph, don't touch me." She went and sit in the corner of the couch.

"If I don't touch you, how will I feed you?" I asked.