Sprouts Orphanage

13.2.1985. 7am

The rising sun-rays softly shine upon this prosperous city. It is a beautiful and peaceful Wednesday.

As usual, San Francisco City is full of busy people on the streets. Attractive smells of foods are coming out from various breakfast shops. From time to time, women walk into Supermarket and stores to buy things for their family, men walk into their office buildings for work and teenagers and old people are walking around to enjoy their day. At the end of the blocks, kids in school uniforms are talking with friends while waiting for school bus together. Police officers are also enjoying their breakfast in their respective patrol car in two units as a division while being on duty.

On the bright side of the city, everything is working well in order. Many old retired people walk around to enjoy life or some are enjoying the view under the shade in the cafe. This is undoubtedly a beautiful city. However for some people, things aren't going well. There are homeless people trying to beg some money for a living while some are reporting for a job with the hope of wanting to have a change in their life. Most of them are refugees or those who took risks to migrate from other states, some are those who went bankrupt and owing loans to banks.

No.2535, Mission St, Sprouts Orphanage, a large yard with two storey building in the middle, this is a small orphanage located in the Mission Neighborhood of San Francisco city. The entire street is full of two storey buildings without a gap and it also makes the orphanage with a big yard unique. Despite of having a large space, it only has ten residents in total; dean Angela who is a lovely old lady, Lady Mill who comes to help when she is free, Sister Rose who is from a small church at the opposite block and nine children who were raised. The entire orphanage is run by retirement money of old granny Angela and supports from the city council and Lady Mill. Although the state has regulations about welfare supports on orphans, it is quite stressful when it also comes to education and healthcare of the children. Moreover, Angela always believes since she is raising the children, she has to provide the best childhood for them.

After reading today's San Francisco daily, Emuel put down the newspaper on the wooden benches and asked Lady Mill who is busy beside the rain barrels in the yard,

" Aunt Mill, you said education is just learning the knowledge, so if I have several good knowledge, will I also become a successful guy in the future by using them?"

While washing the sleepy face of the youngest child Trissy, Lady Mill replied softly,

" Of course, you can do it Emuel. You have to believe in yourself. Once you are knowledgeable, you would only need to come across over a little bit of opportunity. If you can grasp it, you will become successful. So, you have to read more books which contain good and useful knowledge. After all, foundation comes first in a building."

After hearing the usual reply, Emuel cheered himself, "I do, and once I become successful, I will help other children like us."

This is the usual talk between the young Emuel who is just over fifteen years old this year and Lady Mill who is said to be in her thirties. Mill thinks she should put positive thoughts into the mind of young children. She believes this would help them a lot in their life. However Emuel who is already over fifteen years old, knows this is just hopeful and it is not sure if it works or not, but he still thinks this could become true at one day as long as he keeps working hard. After all, wisemen often said, "Consistency is the key." and to catch an opportunity , one must first have a good foundation and strength enough to catch that opportunity. As someone who struggles in bottom class worker society, he still knows one or two things about life.

Young Trissy is just too young to understand what Lady Mill and Emuel are talking about, as she is only under 4 years old. She got bored quickly from watching the yard while trying to listen the talks between Mill and Emuel. So, Trissy thought she should better go to dining room to eat something instead of trying to catch wind here with empty stomach. Therefore, Trissy laughed and ran to the dining room while shouting, "Sister Rose, I'm hungry. What is the menu for the breakfast today? "

Emuel smiled while looking at her back. Emeul said to Mill, "Shall we go too?"

She replied, " You go first! I am going to call Angela."

She walked into the building after taking the newspaper Emuel placed on the benches earlier. Emuel also went to the dining room. While walking along the corridor, Lady Mill read the front page of newspaper and snorted unhappily as she saw the photo of a lovely family of three, a beautiful smiling woman, a young child in the middle and a handsome man, or especially the man named Horus Titan, the richest man in USA today. The news is about Horus couple that they are going to donate insulin medicine for free to children with diabetes starting from the next month. So, editor commented a special praise and thankful words to Horus with bold words on the front page ; "This is undoubtedly an admirable move by Billionaire Horus. Even if it is only aiming for children, this move has proven the beautiful heart of humanity. I have nothing more to say but just two words : Thank you. Your good deeds will be remembered."

"What a fool! Don't you know you might have offended other big pharmas by doing this." Mill muttered. Although she is called Lady Mill, Mill is already in her thirties and she is still single. It is not that Mill is ugly, instead she is a very beautiful woman. She once had a beautiful love affair with the man in the photo. She absolutely fell in love with that man. Later, the man got married and the object was still her best friend. So they had discussion over it openly and she retained the relationship well. After thinking about the unpleasant treaties she agreed with her best friend, Mill suppressed the bad mode, she rolled the newspaper and knocked three times at the wooden door which is hanging with the door sign "Dean" on it.

"May I come in?", Mill asked politely. As a woman, she has a huge respect on Angela in the room who spent her entire fortune just to raise helpless children.

Angela replied to Mill in a slightly tired voice, "Come in, Mill. The door is unlocked as usual. I am a bit busy with paperwork today. You know, city council mailed us to send profiles of children. They said they would try to introduce them to some people. Moreover, although the last time didn't go well, I still hope there would be at least a good home during this time."

Mill said in a soft voice as she placed the newspaper on the desk, "Don't push yourself too hard Angela. All the children know what you have done for them. Among many orphanages in this state, we are doing the best. And there are always some nasty guys who only want to foster the child to take child support money, staying here might be even better than being adopted by them."

Angela replied while putting the stacked papers into a file folder, "I know, I know. Is it already time for breakfast? Let's go Mill, the kids are probably waiting for us with hungry stomach."

Mill took over the file folder and said while handing over the wooden cane with the other hand, "Don't worry about the files, I will tell James to send them over."

While walking along the corridor, Mill called James who was talking with another bodyguard called Bob at the front desk near the main door of the building and told him to send the files to city council office. After handling the files, she slowly walked towards dining room with Angela.