Children are innocent

In the quiet and spacious study room, children are studying with their respective teacher at tables which scattered over the room and they are accepting the knowledge which is being explained by the teacher.

This study program would continue for another year until they have general knowledge on what they are going to continue to study. Then, they will start self-study with the precious books in the library like Emuel.

As for basic knowledge that everyone should know, they had already finished that one years ago.

The only different guy in this room is Trissy, the youngest boss here. She refused to study other knowledge beside language class.

As for how she got the agreement from Mill, nobody knows. They are used to it anyways. Here, although Emuel is the eldest, Trissy is the biggest. She is the little queen. But who made her adorable so they also love her and pamper her too.

As for now, while everyone else is studying, she is reading a fairy tale book she took from the library.

From time to time, she would ask the words she doesn't understand to the language teacher beside her. Because, the book she has been reading was written in ancient Maya language.

The lady sitting next to her is a historian who does researches about Maya civilization. Mill took a lot of efforts to hire her for her baby girl.

Nancy, the eldest girl after Emuel, is studying about medicine with a female doctor.

Under her are two boys, Reese and Paul, who are only a few months younger than her.

They are very interested in science, especially Physics. So they sit together and study together with a teacher.

The next two boys are actually born in the same day. As for how they know it, ten years ago, in a rainy night, some people irresponsibly abandoned them one by one in front of the main gate of orphanage only with a piece of clothing wrapped on each of them.

If it wasn't for Angela who went out to check after hearing the sounds of cars and took them in fast, the two little guys who just came into this world might have suffered from heavy and icy rains and died. The child who is just born is very fragile. A single mistake could have killed the child as their immature young body and immune system are still very weak.

Fortunately, both of them are now happy and healthy little boys. The black one is called Jerry and white one is Tom. At that night, after Emuel saw the two little guys in Angela's arms, he named them Tom and Jerry as he loved to watch cat and mouse cartoon.

He wished their bond would be strong like Tom and Jerry when they grew up one day. Because, he saw the birthday tags on them which were showing that they were born on the same day.

Like Reese and Paul, they also love science but what they chose is chemistry. So, they are also sitting and studying together at another table with chemistry teacher.

There are still two little guys left, it's Jimmy and Jasmine. They dressed neatly and combed their hair well. They are very smart but both of them have OCD. According to IQ test, Jimmy actually has IQ as high as 194 while Jasmine is 200 which is actually very high. They also study together in pair too, but they are already studying university level math and science.

The one with highest IQ here is actually the little girl Trissy. She has an IQ of 228. Unfortunately, her original parents will never know what they had missed.

In fact, Trissy has been staying with Mill since she was two years old as Mill adopted her. She only comes to the orphanage because she misses her brothers and sisters. Her full name is actually Trisia Mill G. Titan.

Her foster father is Horus G. Titan who is the richest man of America today. Her foster mother is Mill, or exactly Catherine Mill Vanguardio.

So, after she requested Mill, she got the permission to do what she likes to do.

However, the other children know how to treasure the chances given by Mill. After all, they might be adopted or they would go into society as an adult once they reached adulthood.

Knowledge they learned here would help them at that time. They understand this reality. Kids and other orphanage don't have the good environment like them as they know these through internet. So they really grateful and treasure what they are having now.

After they finished the study at 11 o'clock at the morning, they couldn't wait another second to get out of the study room and do what they want to do. The boys all went to the library, Jerry and Tom love to play computer games. Paul would watch movies on the internet while Reese and Jimmy would read online novels and often argue over their own theories.

Fortunately, when they come up, Rose would have already been in the kitchen as she has to cook and prepare the meals for everyone. So, Rose's image is still quite tall in their heart.

Two girls, Nancy and Jasmine are usually in the small garden at the backyard or they would go to help Rose in cooking and preparing the tableware on the dining table.

Only Trissy would still read her fairy tales in the study room. She loves to read mythical and magical stories. But once she smells something good, she would go to the dining room and steal the foods she like.

The teachers would also leave one by one as soon as the study time is over.

As for Angela , she is often in the small garden watering the plants or reading a book on a rocking chair under the shades of the trees. Small creatures like chipmunks who live on the trees in the yard would come down and eat the nuts brought by Angela with a small bowl.

Children would also come to feed them at sometimes. Especially Trissy, she would often come here after stealing some foods from the kitchen. But she will not share her foods, in her words, they eat nuts but Trissy eats her foods.

After having lunch together, it's free time for the children to do what they want until 4 o'clock in the evening. Because Physical training class starts at 4 o'clock.

Everyone including Emuel must come and participate in training. Emuel would always late because he has a part-time job in a cafe which paid him $10 for three hours shift. And he has been doing that for two years and saved tens of thousands dollars which includes his pocket money from Angela and Mill.

The training program consists of swimming, running, resistance training with various weights machines

and even various fighting techniques. It would last until 6 in the evening, they would take showers when it is over and they would have a good rest time. After that they usually eat the dinner at 7 o'clock.

But Mill would come and pick up Trissy in the evening to go back home with her. So, there is only ten people left in this orphanage. As for why Rose stays in the orphanage instead of going back to church, Emuel understands the reason.

That is because she could not play games in church. She's a runaway priest indeed. At least, Emuel thinks so.

All the people could spend their free time at night by doing what they love. Some would watch movies with Angela in the living room. Others would just enjoy the time in their own bedrooms. The night is unusually long since the mankind had found the use of electricity and invented the light bulb.

Some people are partying at somewhere. Some people are still working hard to earn money. Some homeless people are finding a good place to sleep.

But all the children are enjoying their time inside their home with their parents or shelters called orphanage with caregivers. This might be the biggest gift that the state government could provide to them.

After all, there are parents who would just abandon their children to evade their responsibility. Some of them might reason back that it was just an accident or they just simply can't afford to raise the child.

For these fragile babies who couldn't protect themselves, it was a nightmare. Many of them would die before they got into the hands of caregivers.

While looking at the rains through his bedroom's windows, Emuel fell into his memories of that night which Angela took back two babies in the rain who were wet from the rains.

Emuel couldn't just figure it out, why can't those people just love their own children unconditionally like the earth does to everyone of us. May be they're not humans. He thought so. As for his parents, Angela told him that they both died in an accident just after handing him over to her.

After clearing all of those messy thoughts in the head, he squeezed into the mattress and blankets. It's quite cool and cozy, he feels that he should sleep early tonight.

Heavy rains continues as if it's going to rain throughout the whole night. But even so, the wild nightlife has only begun for some people who are going to commit crimes or enjoy the degeneracy brought by corrupted society.