
On the way, Emuel suddenly remembered about a book and he asked Horus, "Horus, you know what, why don't we create some full functional dolls ? Mill told me, you also read that book."

Horus rubbed his chin for a while, then he asked back, "You mean, that book named, Mechanism ? If you are talking about a theory inside it, I don't think it's going to be alright. "

Emuel told, " Ya, that book, there's a theory of making the living doll. If we can put the dead soul into the doll, isn't this the best solution ?"

This time, Horus looked him speechlessly while Rock and Lock laughed out loud. Emuel didn't understand why they're laughing.

Looking at his stupid nephew, Horus helplessly explained, "Of course, we have thought about these, but the major problem on your idea is we can't even find the dead soul. You said, the guys sacrificed the victims to underworld Lords or unknown gods, right ?"

Emuel nodded, but he still didn't get what his uncle wanted to say. Lock couldn't bear so he gave the answer of the issue, "Look, the thing is ,what they sacrificed is not just life energy, but also soul. So, where do we get your fresh dead souls."

Horus told him, "Actually, I've tried to do that before. But I didn't put it in the dolls because I think it shouldn't be done like that. You know some wouldn't be able to accept to live as a doll. So, I researched how to clone entire body through living tissues of the dead. Unfortunately, cloning takes time, so when you built the body, that soul is no longer fresh enough. Of course, you can purify out the messy energies it took in so you can revive him again. But if you purified it, although you could make him join with that new body however it's no longer the original one as you purified his soul, well, simply, his memories would he gone. Yes, that type of entirely erasing, everything of him."

After listening to the logic of his uncle, Emuel felt speechless, "So, you decided to not save the dead souls because they don't have no more memories of their life ?"

Horus also speechlessly stared him back and talked about his opinion, "Otherwise ? Are you going to take them back to their mother and said, your child forgot all of his memoires so you could raise him again like a baby ? You know Emuel, memories are very important, if you lost all of them, it's no different from dying. When you meet things like that, it's better for them to get into reincarnation by themselves. Don't do useless works..."

Emuel still tried to defend himself, "But, isn't the living existence of the child already the greatest gift to their parents who is going to lose their children forever? I bet they would love to teach them from basic again."

The three men fell silent by their nephew's logical thought. Horus didn't talk again for a few minutes before he stopped on the roadside.

With a thought, Emuel saw a new world, the world full of little colorful light balls. He was amazed. Horus said, "Look at these beautiful little balls, they're just everywhere, isn't it ?"

Emuel admitted after glancing left and right, " Yes, very beautiful. "

Lock told him, " These are the souls without physical body. They would feed on different free soul energies they like in the environment instinctively. If one has physical body, you can see the silver chain on them which actually is a connection between the soul and the physical body. "

Horus confirmed what Lock said, "Yes, those without silver chains are free souls."

After that, he gently grabbed a small ball with two colors of golden and green. While carefully holding it with his fingers, he explained, "Look at this beautiful little guy. The golden color is the representative of good thoughts and positive feedbacks or positive soul forces of other people on him. The green is the love from nature. And if you can really take a deep look, you can see some memory fragments in them. "

Emuel closely checked, besides the colors, he couldn't see any memory image.

But in the eyes of his three uncles, there were some images flashing.

A cheerful young boy is smiling at the old lady while helping her grooming the garden.

It was from a positive soul energy , apparently it came along with the deepest memory of the old lady who was helped and her thankful feeling which became the golden positive energy on the young boy's soul origin.

In another image, a young man was digging the soil and replanting a small sapling of one meter tall. It was from a green energy. Possibly a feedback from nature.

Most of them are all about helping the other people or taking care of the environment on his own ways. Horus carefully separated a very tiny pink energy and touched it.

With his divine power , a short memory was shown as three dimensional life like images. Emuel was shocked. In the memory, a young man put the ring on his love's ring finger, a beautiful lady in white wedding dress. Then, it faded and turned into a hospital room, he was meeting with his first child who was just born and his wife on the bed who was smiling at them. After that, the couple were already in the images of old man and woman, they were in the room full of fire but the two were just hugging each other.

The memory was just several seconds but it shocked Emuel. He still couldn't believe that souls would actually exist like this.

Horus carefully put it back into the small ball and tapped it gently while speaking in a soft voice, "You're a being worthy of my blessing, as god of knowledge, in my name Horus Asteio Asta …, I bless you, son, be born in a rich and good family, be born with extraordinary wisdom, be born with the same kindness as your last life, be born to meet again with the same lover in a fortunate encounter, be loved by small animals, and lastly, be born to be lucky. "

As he finished his last word, mysterious chains made of purple golden runes appeared out of nothingness and firmly bound with the small ball. You can even see several rune chains were going into the ball while the others were just covering and rotating around the ball in circular orbits.

After giving his blessing, Horus looked around as if he was trying to search something. Emuel wondered what his uncle was doing. It lasted several seconds. Horus sighed and tossed the ball towards somewhere. The small ball, which was covered in a pale golden energy protection, flied across the sky really fast.

The three were stunned by his sudden operation. As he felt the wonderful eyes of three people, Horus shrugged and said, "Oh well, I was trying to find his wife, unfortunately I couldn't find it. So, I made a divination and the result was she was already born again three years ago. Fortunately, it's not too late, I gave him a free delivery service."

Rock and Lock laughed heartily while Emuel rolled his eyes, he was really amused by them today.

As Horus gestured them to go back and he walked forward to the castle, the dreamlike scene disappeared again. It's really a dreamy world which normal people can never see.

While walking, he took out a crystal and handed it over to Emuel. Then he said without looking back,

" Inside it, I've copied all my memories about research on souls and those dolls. Yes, the improved versions and there are also ways to make clone bodies. Since you want to do that, that's my support on you. Your uncle, I have different opinions but they are not necessarily good for everyone, you can do it yourself. "

Emuel frankly admitted, " Thanks, it really means a lot to me. "

Then, the four just laughed and continued walking back to the castle.

Horus was still explaining a bit about the souls, "You see, a living person would produce soul energies all the time into the environment nearby and they can be sorted out into different attributes, such negative energies full of envy, jealousy, resentments or positive ones of gratitude, love, worships, ....."

Like that, the four talked and slowly walked back to the castle while everyone was waiting them for the dinner.