Successful promotion

Emuel drove the van into the transporter starship. After nearly an hour of flying, they arrived at the castle. Emuel said goodbye to old Nerk and drove out the van.

As soon as the van went away for several hundreds meter, old Nerk started the startship and they left quickly.

Meanwhile, Emuel drove the van into the castle. All other people were already in the castle and waiting for them to start the party.

When they got into the dining hall, Emuel couple introduced Abigail to other people. Abigail was loved by the ladies and they gave her many precious gifts, the most precious one might be a space ring from Horus.

After the party, the three uncles and Emuel walked out again to have a nice chat between their men, three uncles and their nephew. While talking about what they had experienced, Emuel talked about his plans.

Even Horus was amazed by the idea of Emuel when they talked. Horus also gave some opinions and advice in order to perfect his plans. And he told everyone about the promotion of Emuel and to stay in the castle so they could get something from it. Of course, everyone agreed, as a god family, they still understand that moment like this is very precious to come by, it is also an opportunity for them.

The whole day passed peacefully. Emuel couple slept again in their room at the peak of the high tower.

Abigail was placed in a lower room which is just under their room so the couple had a nice and sweet night.

At the next day, they went to the orphanage to visit Nancy and others. The kids were surprised to see him because he had informed them before which he was going to have to work at faraway place. Sora was also able to meet again with her siblings.

Abigail was quickly accepted by the children in the orphanage. They also love this beautiful young girl because of her nice natural atmosphere.

Emuel had a nice chat with Angela and he gave the gifts he had prepared for the children to her since he could not be able to attend their birthdays.

He invited them to follow him to the castle for a day. Angela agreed and took Nancy and other children to the castle when Emuel family went back.

They were placed in the guest rooms, a night passed peacefully, and another day starts again.

This morning, Emuel is sitting at the center of their room peacefully and adjusting his state while Rose, Abigail and their pets were on the bed and looking at him. Titan family members are also patiently waiting in the castle, they are really looking forward to the promotion of Emuel, because they could also get something from it.

Soon, Emuel starts the promotion, his huge soul power composed of his will,mind power,conscious, spreads out to their limits. Emuel feels that he could sense all mysteries and laws of life and light in the radius of 500 km. After controlling the two laws in 500 km radius, he started to brand his soul mark into these laws.

After working hard and patiently for two hours, he finally completed and took in half of these laws forces into his body and started merging them with his divine body.

The other half spread wildly along with his skyrocketing soul force. And they started to connect with laws forces spreading in the universe.

Soon, the laws domain around the earth started to give feedback to him as they recognized his soul brand into the laws. There are many other soul brands in two laws of life and light, some have a shallow mark, some have brighter marks, Emuel's soul brands are very bright and it showed he has very high mastering on these two laws. If he could master a law completely, he could easily create that law at a place where that law doesn't exist, in a sense, he is the law but the law is not him, he could also easily erase someone's soul brand and deny their immortal existence. Giants who branded their soul brand in the laws could resurrect themselves as long as their marks in the laws are still existing.

Back in the room of a tower in a castle, Emuel was washed by thick law forces in the universe. His divine body accepted a further change and the divine blood evolved under the wash of the two laws.

The whole castle got benefits by the two laws and it started to has sacred and holy atmosphere while full of life forces. Not to mention, people in the castle, they also got benefits more or less.

The whole process of gift of the law took nearly an hour and Emuel started to stop absorbing the laws into his body. He gathered them and guided them into the equivalent exchange arcane circle.

He told Rose, "Rose, quickly put Abigail in the center of the circle. Fast!"

As soon as Abigail was put in the center, Emuel cut an opening on his finger and squeezed out a drop of blood, it was a golden blood. As soon as it came out, it started to shine in various colors and rich life forces appeared on it. But it was quickly put into Abigail.

After some unknown words from Emuel, the arcane circle started to shine, and a miracle happened.

Rose was excited to see the transformation of Abigail's body. The metal body transformed into flesh, the soul crystal became the golden brain, the life divine crystal became a golden heart, golden bones, golden blood, golden pupils. Soon, a doll became a young and cute girl with wheat skin, golden pupil, and blue hair.

The arcane circle also exhausted and it disappeared. The last gathered gift of the two laws also disappeared along with the arcane circle. It was used as a sacrificed to the creation law above all laws through arcane circle.

The creation law, it is a supreme law, only after mastering all three thousands laws, one could contact the supreme creation law. The great Uranus was a being who mastered creation law billions of years ago. As for his latest strength, nobody knows.

Emuel paid a great price for Abigail, after using his blood in body creation, he could even say Abigail has completely become his daughter. At the same time, Abigail also found some shreds of memories but she didn't care much about those incomplete memories. Abigail ran back to Rose and got back in her embrace.

When the family came down, many people were still digesting their benefits. He greeted Horus who was waiting. Looking at real flesh body and blood flowing inside the young Abigail, Horus sighed, he asked, "How is the situation?"

Emuel smiled happily while hugging Abigail in his arms, "True god divine body and blood, life law at 90% and light at 70%. Things are still in the acceptable range."

Horus didn't know what to say, he just sighed, "Okay, you're really great. You don't know how hard it was for us. At that time, we spent several years to become demigod from tier three because we didn't have resources and knowledge. Our family was just a demigod family, it was very hard for us. Now, you can enjoy resources easily and you don't know how to treasure the gift of laws."

Emuel just smiled while kissing the soft cheek of Abigail, "But it's worth it, isn't it."

He felt that he forgot something, Rose also felt the same but she just didn't care. Suddenly, Emuel remembered about their pets, when he saw the pets of Nancy and other children sleeping on the floor, well, his pets also fell into deep sleep in their room while digesting their benefits, they also got the greatest benefits since they were staying in the same room as him.

The Titan family celebrated again that night, for a new god appearing in their family.