The big castle

Emuel put the things they bought into suitable places.

The whole castle becomes looking better.

As usual, the couple takes the highest room of the castle as their room.

The room or exactly the big hall because of reinforced space runes.

In the middle of the room, there is a big fountain enough to swim in it.

The source of water is still the water divine crystal which would generate endless water.

But this one is not automatically releasing water all the time, it requires to use a special spell on the divine crystal placed in the top of the fountain.

Under their room is the rooms of their children.

There are several rooms and they are also reinforced with space runes which makes them to have spacious space.

Under them is also another floor full of rooms. Until after another three floors like that, there is a big hall full of bookshelves.

It is the library for their family. However, there are only three bookshelves full of books, others are empty.

Under the library floor is several floors full of rooms, these are also rooms for their followers and servants who would take care of the castle.

Then, there are only two floors left, the ground floor where dining halls exist and the underground halls where they would store wine and foods.

The castle also has a big garden in the back, a huge training ground in front of it, and barracks on the sides of the training ground, and finally a twenty meters high wall surrounding all part of the castle.

It is a perfect place for lords in middle age era. Of course, Rose also loves this but their family is the only residents in this huge castle now.

It is really empty and lack of people.

Emuel looks at Rose who is playing a farming world game in front of the TV with PS7 console.

Well, Rose has been lazy and refusing to go out of Euler space and sit in the van. So, she stopped paying attention to her lord game and started to play offline stand alone games in the log house since she got pregnant.

Emuel feels headaches when he thinks of Rose , and again thinking about the empty castle without anyone who would serve them, he wonders if he should create legendary lifeforms, elves.

But again, it is not easy to create the elves, there are only two ways.

The first way is to pay some suitable price to creation law through arcane circle and let it create the elves you desire.

However, it could be really expensive.

The second way is to let the nature breeds the elves naturally.

Yes, nature would breed the elves naturally, but it also takes suitable environment, suitable amount of energies, suitable carrier body, and the biggest unreliable factor of this is these elves would be naturally born free elves.

So, although you can speed up the front things with your efforts and invested resources, the elves might not necessarily take you as their lord.

If you are not investing your resources and create the front three requirements artificially, you can only depend on luck to look for the mother trees which could give birth to elves naturally.

Emuel feels that he should better create more dolls. As for converting them into human life like Abigail and Irene, he feels that he couldn't afford it, better wait until he touched the creation law.

Since, he is the lord of light, mastering over 98% of light law, having authority over different lights and their powers, it is not that hard for Emuel to find a random lost soul on the roadside and purify it into origin soul without any impurity including memories.

However, he might also need to teach the doll with soul without any memory like a baby.

For sometimes, Emuel doesn't know what to do at all. As for finding or attracting followers, he doesn't like deliberately doing it instead of natural meeting through fate.

Although he already has the school of heart as his influence and several hundreds members under it, he doesn't want to let them enter the Euler space.

For those people he pulled into his influence over the past months, he would provide them with knowledge resource through the heart school chatgroup in origin church network. Of course, these knowledge are not free, the members need to redeem them with contribution points the origin church gives to them after every task.

Finally, Emuel could only go around the forest in Euler space and select the suitable trees for elves breeding plan.

A whole day passed, and he only marked three after walking around in the eastern forest.

Back in the castle, Emuel feels better when he sees the table full of foods and his family.

The family enjoyed the dinner hearty and warmly.

Emuel asked, "How is your day, sweeties?"

Abigail replied after taking a sip of her Milo drink, "It is not bad, Kate showed my her kids, they are ugly."

Rose corrected her, "They would become beautiful Abigail, it is only because they still don't have feathers."

Irene said on the side, "I wanted to pet the black panther in the forest but it ran away."

Well, it seems like the two little girls really strolled around the forest nearby today.

Yes, in the forest, Emuel put all creatures he could find including tigers and lions. That is also because, comparing to them, those wild animals are quite weak.

Although Abigail and Irene are still young, their strength is actually not weak. The older Abigail is already a tier three lifeform and Irene is also a tier two.

When they got older and reached their adulthood, they might easily become a strong demigod.

It is all thanks to the care of god and divine bloodline flowing inside them.

The god families really powerful because of this reason, while many other people are still struggling to become tier one lifeform, their children are already winning in the starting line.

The gap would become bigger and bigger, not to mention, most of extraordinary knowledge are controlled by origin church and divine clan.

Of course, it is not without any hope, as long as the normal extraordinary could join a good influence, they can still have access to precious knowledge researched by their influence founders and older generations.

After checking the homework of Abigail and Irene, Emuel gives them their freedom as usual.

It seems like, he is going to get busy again this night, Emuel glances at Rose who is watching a movie on the bed, and he starts reading several books in front of him, they're all knowledge about elves he has.

As for more knowledge, he would need to return to the castle and ask his uncle, Horus.

He really hopes to have a group of elves in Euler space, whether as inhabitants or as his followers who could take care of their daily life.