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What came along with the victory over silver people was the new regulation from the council of god.

"With overwhelming votes, we have decided to put the new regulation forward. From now on, the old secrecy law is expired and the new secrecy act will become alive immediately."

"Let us welcome the brand new era of our gods. Let the brilliance of the great Tera spread across our vast universe."

At the 4th August of 1990, the god council finally announced the new law and gave permission to all secret societies, various mysterious schools and even the influences of gods to appear brightly in material world.

Of course, for the original six big countries before the start of earth expansion plan, only a few are involved as the others are the lands abandoned by gods.

However, with this new secrecy act, many mysterious influences would appear to the world of normal people for the first times, the continents of gods are also going to stop using various methods to hide themselves.

Together with this new secrecy act, the expansion of the Tera planet has started again and the scale is even bigger. They are not going to hide anything after this, from time to time, several worlds are being integrated into Tera planet carefully under the eyes of true gods.

In the hall of the Paradise castle, Emuel is sitting above the highest throne in the middle, Rose is sitting on the throne beside him, while Abigail, Irene and Ophelia, the three girls are sitting on beautiful thrones on the other side of Emuel, the youngest son Augustus is being held by Rose.

Worthy of being the son of god, Augustus has grown up to the size of two years old baby of normal humans at this time. He is watching around the hall with his pure golden eyes curiously.

In the big hall, there are a hundred angels, exactly fifty female angels and fifty male angels, kneeling and waiting for the order from their respected creator god, the great Steller, the holy lord who rules over light and life.

These angels are newly born ones. Their existence is to spread the existence of Heart school across the various lands of the great Tera.

He is going to let the world creatures know that there is a school of thought which worship the great Steller and respect the life and act like the light, bringing the order and hope to every creature.

He is going to make use of the once randomly created influence and make it alive.

The philosophies of his Heart school are also quite simple.

First rule is to love and respect all the living creatures.

Of course, it doesn't mean they can't commit killing, killing the bad and evil ones is the righteous cause of great virtue.

Second rule is to share and help those who are in need.

However, it doesn't mean they have to donate all the wealth of oneself and become poor after that, they don't have to risk the life of oneself for the sake of others.

Third rule is a simple one, don't commit crimes and cause resentments and karma to oneself.

Fourth one is to keep oneself awake all the time to not break the first three rules.

Fifth one is to respect and honor the merciful holy lord who founded the school of Heart and made the first three rules.

Emuel, he is going to let these a hundred angels become overseers and guardians of the Heart school and manage it.

"Bring the three great thoughts of Heart school to every corner of the great Tera, spread my brilliance and create our order of Heart school."

With the last order from their god, the angels vowed to fulfill the wish of their holy lord and left the great temple hall orderly.

From now on, they might not be able to stay in the place of their lord all the time like the other angels who were born earlier than them.

However, they have no regret over this, because being able to fulfill the dream of their lord itself is the greatest honor to their existence, the angels.

From the highest temple hall of big pyramid shape fortress, which is floating in the sky above the continent of America, angels came out one after another.

They flew towards different directions, the beautiful white feathered wings behind them are showing the identities of them, the darling of life and light, the angels.

As the perfect creature, all angels have beautiful face, fair skin and golden ratio body. Each of them have the foundation strength of demigod because they are created with law fragments of life and light.

They could be considered a strong powerhouse in demigod tier although they may not be very skilled in performing the skills in their memories and applying the law fragments they possess in various skills.

Because, they don't have enough time to practice the skills in their memories which were instilled by Emuel.

Emuel also knows it but he believes they would practice in their free time and turn the memories into strength slowly.

And, it is not easy to kill the ordinary demigod powerhouse, different from them, wounding the angels he created might be even more difficult to achieve.

Moreover, if an angel died, the soul would return to angel breeding pool and reborn again from it.

However, in a peaceful society ruled by the council of gods, killing an angel might not happen normally beside being one of casualties in the war with outsiders.

These angels are all wearing the same church uniforms and white robes. All of them have a crystal badge necklace, the circular sun, the big tree bearing heart shape fruits in it, representing the light, the life and their Heart school, and also their identities.

Two female angels went down to the continent of America. They are going to contact the people Emuel took into the Heart school during his road trips across America states.

They also bear the responsibility to reorganize the previous foundation and cleanse the bad ones out and spread the glory of their lord on the land of America.