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During the past months, everything was not going great for the governments and politicians. We had to close our eyes and even had to allow some conditions to those mysterious forces. Some are just greedy bastards worse than those pigs in FED, after dealing with them, I even found the beauty of people from the origin church.

The earth started to expand wildly again until a week ago. Thanks god, we decided to not send out another batch of newly built satellite during this year. However, what in the world just happened and who could explain me why the sun has been dyed blue all of a sudden.

1.1.1991. Divor Franklin. Minister of internal affair.

Breaking news, our reporters are now reporting the real situation of the live video of the blue sun from various states. It is unbelievable to think that our beautiful red sun actually became a blue one. However, you don't have to be afraid. According to experts from Yale university, it could be a natural phenomenon….

Everyone is talking about the blue sun during these days. Even after three days have already passed and it's already January fourth, the heat of blue sun never goes down. However, the society collapse which Washington elites predicted isn't happening. After all, there are even ghosts, evil and mysterious things, the undead who climbed up from tombs and finally mages, wizards and the beautiful angel from Heart religion, why can't the sun be blue, the people accepted it quickly.

And the more frightening thing has also arrived to the desk of high ranking officials and officers.

According to the newly taken images from the new batch of satellites which were just sent out on 2nd Jan, the earth is now bigger than the sun and there are existences of other big and small continents.

In short, the humanity is now no longer their six countries alone. Especially, their six countries are now existing in a region together and surrounded by many continents.

The worst news is there are presence of human beings out there, several images of a thriving city is a foolproof iron evidence.

The dream to fight for resource is completely shattered.

This is not just in the white house of USA, the same scene is happening in other countries too.

Now, they have to contact these continents and figure out the situation. The agendas are in full-swing and each country has given the highest command to the military and has sent out a well prepared fleet.

A fleet composed of various types of nuclear powered ships is now sailing towards the nearest continent to them, the Hellene continent. They left the navy base as soon as the order came down.

As service personnel, they don't think too much, they are just going to fulfill the command.

According to information given by a bunch of guys in NASA, which is said to be calculated with new satellite's data, there would be a new continent at the north after four thousands miles.

To the soldiers, it is unbelievable news. Although it is said there is a brilliant human civilization out there, these soldiers can't accept that. There shouldn't be another human civilizations than their original six countries.

However, they are still quite positive thinking, some are already betting on whether the girls out there would be beautiful or not.

Unfortunately, they regret they could not sail over fast due to the long distance. They heard it would take at least six months to get to that continent. It is definitely a long journey to them. Some had already called their parents and family because they are going to be missing for a long time. After all, who knows if they would be able to get access to phone signal.

They understand everything in the heart, they haven't seen the internet friends from five countries for a long time, they heard some travelers can't also come back and even embassies are losing contact with the federal government for quite a long time, they have already prepared their mind if they would be sacrificed in possibly coming war.

They would not refuse the order or flee from war, because they are soldiers. In short, they have already prepared to die in the worst outcome.

Stupid but loyal, they are the foundation of a country. They deserve better treatments. No government shall betray these people. - Helga Brettonwood.

Fortunately, the united states government know the secret things and strong strength of mysterious forces. So, currently, they are adopting low key policy and don't dare to make a wrong step at this stage.

The society has welcomed the new rules and classes since the mysterious forces have started to surface one by one.

The most popular ones might be wizard academies and knight schools. After all, almost everyone dream of becoming a wizard one day and using magic while every man dream of being a knight.

Of course, that is only among young people and children. The elderly people and middle age people are more interested in gods or especially old christian people love the one called Heart religion.

It is not because it has good doctrines nor because they have seen the god. It is due to the head of the main church in united states, or exactly the beautiful angel called Maria.

One side is the old church with only normal people, one side is the church with beautiful angel in the bible they used to read, many people converted into the religion of Heart quickly. Things become more frantic when they knew the god the Heart religion worshiping is the great god of Light and Life.

The news about god broke the last hurdle and resistance of many people. During these days, many bright churches have been changed into church of Heart, because even many clergies have converted into religion of Heart. It is a revolution of religion, and the very successful one, too much that you almost could not find the influence of bright church in united states in 1991. Only some are still stubborn and resisting the last place for their lord.