Chapter 1

Eos P.O.V :


I stare at the alarm blankly. "Another day without sleep" I mumble.

"Please gather at hall within an hour"

Switching off the alarm, I go to the main hall. It is empty and I am the first one...well that's to be expected since I was up before everyone and had already done my morning routine. I stand at the corner waiting for the others.

"Good morning". I hear a familiar voice great me.

"Morning Mr. Ben". He looks at my face with a concerned expression. I guess he noticed the dark circles around my eyes informing him that I didn't sleep today either.


"Yeah I know, I should atleast try to sleep, eat more and take care of myself...blah, blah, blah. Anything new ?"

Glaring at me he says, "You are getting a new roommate."

"....huh ?"


"Why would they assign me a roommate now after all this time !? "

"How would I know. Anyways, I have to go now, people are coming"

"Hmm "

With that he walks away and just like he said others start entering the hall. Noise fills the room as they start talking with each other. I silently stand at the corner. I think I already know what this is about. I guess it's about introducing the new ones joining us.

"Good morning to everyone here. Today you all are gathered here for the introduction of the new transferred students. Kindly introduce yourselves."

First, a boy with dark blue hair and grey eyes comes forward, with a bored tone he says in the mic, "Kyle Grace. Room 07. Rank A-. Ability teleportation and ice"

Gasps filled the room when they hear that he's of A- rank. Well... that's to be expected since he's in the same room as me and I, myself am rank A- .

Next a boy with silver hair and brown eyes comes up and with a enthusiastic tone he says, "Colt Halton. Room 05. Rank A+. Quirk silver wings. Nice to meet you all"

Woah I didn't expect the other one to be an A rank too. I guess today is full of surprises and I, for sure, am not interested in them. Later all the others, except for the ones with a rank A- or above, are requested to leave and continue with their routine. After this we are told to introduce ourselves.

" Leon Katz. Room 01. Rank A+. Power cat shifter" He smiled showing off his sharp canines, warning the new ones about who's the most powerful here. His sharp green eyes darting over the both, noticing every single detail about them.

Leon is the most powerful one among us, also one of the smartest. His looks make him look like a sweet innocent person, but one can tell easily that he is not someone to be messed with. Though we actually get along quite well, we don't talk that much but it's good when we keep each other company.

Next, "Ray Katz. Room 01. Rank A+. Power mind reading." He simply walks back to his place his lavender hair tied beautifully in a pony. For a second, his cold cerulean eyes meets mine. His gaze soften and a little smile forms on his face.

As one can see Leon and Ray are brothers. They are both quite similar too. At first they comes off as cold but when one actually gets them to open up, they are the most caring ones here. Ray considers me his little sister though sometimes he gets a little protective over me.

Then, "Akabane Ace. Room 03. Rank A+. Quirk cards." His tired crimson eyes glanced the newbies for a millisecond.

Ace can be considered as the laziest guy here. He has smooth jet black that flows gracefully down his waist, though it is mystery how he maintains them. While going back he ruffles my hair slightly. I can see how the two new boys are confused at the mention of his ability. To be honest, when he first told me about his ability I too was confused so their reactions aren't that surprising.

Oh and as you all must have noticed that there is no one in the room 02 and room 06, 08, 09, 10. And also the rooms also are assigned according to the ranks. Example: a rank A will have a room within the number 1-10. A rank B will have a number below it. Similarly for the other ranks too. in total there are 4 ranks: S, A, B, C, D. - and + are the sub-divisions of them.

Anyways continuing with the introduction next up is,"Crystal Rose. Room 05 . Rank A-. Powers crystal and siren. " She gives them both a friendly smile and proceeds to return to her position beside me.

She is my best friend and can be considered the most beautiful here too. She has dual quirks but still is not comfortable with using her siren one and mostly depends on her crystal one.

Now the last one is me. Ugh. I go up there and state," Eos Levine. Room 07. Rank A-. Ability weapons and wings."