Chapter 8

Eos P.O.V.

We decide to go to the practice room, but before that we all go to our rooms to freshen up a little.

I walk down the hallway, towards my room, feeling a bit wierd since I'm not alone. Kyle walks beside me, curiously looking around, not noticing the side glances I'm giving him now and then.

Upon reaching my, oh wait 'our' room, he breaks the silence, asking," So who is going to bath first ?"

"Me ofcourse..." I state blankly.

He nods his head as if agreeing with me, and gets out of the bathroom. Wow I was not expecting this.... I thought we would have to play rock-paper-scissor to decide who'll go to bath first...well anyways I for certain don't mind this at all.

Finished with bathing, I put on a t-shirt and black sweatpant. I step out the room, only to see Kyle standing there, looking around the room mostly focusing on my book collection.

"Have you read any of those?", curiously I ask.

"Yes, infact quite a lot of these." he says.

"Oh.... your favourite ones in here?"

"Yea they are. But I don't have one specific favourite book. It's hard to choose one, but I can say this for sure, that all the books written by Colleen Hoover are amazing" stating that he proceeds to take out 'It ends with us' out of the shelf and skims though its pages, being careful of not damaging the spine of it. Putting it back he turns around and asks," Your favourite one?"

"Colleen Hoover's work, 'Shatter me series' ,'Her guardian and it's sequels', oh and also 'The fine print' and 'Terms and conditions' and there are others but just like you said it's hard to choose one. Also the novel Sherlock Holmes...etc."

"Woah...damn that's really have a good taste....looks like we're going to get along."he says smirking also with a look of amusement.

"Yea I guess.... but first things first, go take a bath." I say sternly, glaring him.

"Yes boss !" with that he straight up goes for a bath without any questions or comment.

Looking at my collection of books a smile finds its way on my face. Ignoring it I start organizing room a little, folding the clothes, messy blanket, etc.

Within 10 minutes he comes out, in only his black trousers. His gorgeous sculpted body in clear view. His long blue hair, looking almost black since they are all wet. Water drops slide off it, down his beautifully toned physique. A hand on his hip, the other holding his towel, drying his hair. Upon looking closely, one can see some small scars on his abdomen and also some on his well-defined muscular back, but those doesn't affect his beauty even a bit, infact those scars enhance it, making him look like some hot bad guy that everyone has a crush on.

"Hm ? Down to earth!" a voice snaps me out of my thoughts. He looks at concerned.

"You alright ?"

"Oh yea, yea absolutely, yea... I'm alright." I mumble the last part. Thankfully he didn't found out how I was legit fawning over his body. Oh god otherwise it would have been embarassing. But still how is he that well built at age like this? Huh? Wait how old is he?

"Umm...can I ask you something?" Shyly I mumble.

"Hm, sure go ahead."

"How old are you?"

"Oh I'm 16 going on 17, actually I'm 17 because my birthday is coming soon. 20 October to be exact."

"Woah that makes you the oldest here. Actually no yours and Ace's birthday comes on the same day so you both are the oldest. Then the second comes the twins. They are both 16."

"Oh cool ! Then you?"

"I'm the youngest one, just turned 16, 5 October."

He was going to say something but gets cut off by the knocking on our door.

"Ace here."

Talk about the devil.

Anyways, has it already been that long that Ace himself has to come here?

Looking at the watch I realize that it has been like an hour. Oh no. I'm going to get murdered.

"Dawn! Kyle! What are you all doing !" Ace's voice could be heard clearly even from up here, oh and not to mention, filled with annoyance.

"Oh yes coming." I shout.

Running I immediately open the door.

"Mind telling me what took you that long?" sarcasm clear in his tone.

"Oh...that... actually Kyle took to much time to come out of the bathroom...?" I say hoping that all the blame would shift on Kyle and I'll get away.

"Uh girl I'm right behind and you" turning around I see him, now all dressed up, standing on support of the door frame with his hands crossed. He then continues," Actually she is the one that took like half am hour to just bath. Plus some extra tw to get dressed. And I on the other side took like 15 minutes, so I'm completely innocent here."

"Yea I know this kid here always takes that long, don't worry no one suspected you."

"Ouch" I say, but that only ends up with me getting a bonk on my head. Ouch.

We reach the practice room, everyone is already present. Well that is to be expected.

"Wow look who is here.." says Ray.

Bruh I now know that this will go on this whole day. Anyways giving him a glare, I start my warm-up.

"Yep now I'm how do I practice power tho ?" I ask.

"What you asked us for. It's your power. But I guess you just got it so... hm... how about this."saying that he takes a small knife from his side and cuts his hand a little, a small pool of blood is formed on the table now. "Hmm pretty, now try to do something to it."

Oh, as expected from Ray. "Ok so here I go."

I look at the crimson liquid on the table. I'll just move it or something. Okay so now focus...huh.... let me try again...blood move!...still nothing. Wait then was that all a dream?

I try summoning my wings but fail to do so. What's happening? I try that again. Failure. Once again. Failure. Ok third time's charm. Nope fail again.

Panic starts arising in me.

"It's not working! I can't even summon my wings now! They really are gone! What should I do! I can't even-"

"Shhh...calm down. It's ok. If you can't summon your wings then that alone is a proof of your different ability. Now once again calm down." Ace trys to do something to make me feel better of this situation. I try to calm down. Kyle comes from behind me and ruffles my hair.

"Ok now I'm continuing. So listen, this ability is yours, just like how you had wings before, now you have manipulation. Try using it just like wings. Feel it through your whole body. Don't concentrate too hard, we all know that's not your thing. Just relax and know your surroundings, once again feel the power in you don't force yourself to control it. And last thing, don't worry, if anything goes wrong, we are all here for you."

"Yep he's right, we are here for you!" Crystal adds.

"Yeah", "Count us in too!", Leon and Colt chimes in.