Chapter 10

Eos P.O.V.:

"Ugh" I groan. My whole body aching.

How long was I out? Those damn pills ! I should not have take them ! Those people !

I get up from the bed and look around, taking in my surroundings. It is a light grey room, dimly lit, with some sort of wierd smell. At the corner of my bed, is a nightstand on which I find a note. It reads:

" The test will begin at 7:00am tomorrow. Be ready before 6:45am. The guards will pick you up. Take a nap, have a good rest and be ready.

~Good luck~"

Eww what kind of note was that ?

Anyways not thinking about that too much, I try to sleep as the note said, but am unable to do so. I stand up from my bed and walk around in the room. Only now I realize that it's really cold! I go to close the windows, only to see small flakes of snow, falling from sky. The sky, dull and grey, with chill dry winds blowing. A shiver runs down my spine. But even after that, I don't shut the windows, like why would I, after all, this is my first time seeing snow in real. All I've ever known about snow is just what I read in those books of mine.

I wonder what the others are doing.

All there to be seen is just forests. The moon is shining, giving off a soft glow, increasing the eerie vibes. As dark and dull it is, in its own way it is as beautiful too. One can stare at it the whole day and still not get tired of it.

Standing there for god knows how long, sleep comes to me. A soft yawn comes along with slightly droopy eyelids. I take this as my sign to go to bed.

A slept in the surprisingly soft mattress.


"Oh god just shut up!"

I reach my neck to shut this thing up, but much to my surprise, there is no collar present. Instead there is a wrist watch one my wrist. I stop the alarm.

Standing up from the bed, still digesting the fact that I had no collar. They removed the collar? The thing that controlled our powers ? They think that helped them to keep us under their control ? They really took it off me ?

You all must be wondering why am I this shocked. Well for starters,. I'm not saying that this is a bad place, but rather the punishments given are a tad bit too harsh. Especially the ones who have low rank are usually given the worst punishment for doing even a small thing wrong.

I still remember that when we were kids, Ray once tried to remove his collar. He was just 8 years at that time. But the second he tried, he was electrified. I still remember his painful screams as clearly as a crystal. He could not even stand properly for the next 2 days. Another incident also happened, this time with Crystal. She tried to snuck out of her room. The second she was caught, she was lashed ! That also in front of everyone to make sure that no one would ever try something like that again. But that was all years ago. But still, since then none of us has ever tried to disobey these people.

Anyways, I try to take my mind if that. Opening the window, in front of me was the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen in my whole life. The sun rays, entering the room, spreading its warmth in this new cold atmosphere. A soft smile appeared on my face. I wonder how jealous they would be if I told them all about this.

I get ready as fast as I can. They would be coming here soon. And just like that, a knock is heard on my door.

"Come in."

"Let's go."

Without any questions, I follow the guard. He lead us to a small grey room. It is not that huge but it had all the basic things in it. For some reason it gave off an eerie vibe. Ignoring it, I look at that person that took me here. He told me to take a seat in one of the chair and told me to wait. Within that time he tells me about how there will be some sort of interrogation first, then an ability test and finally the last and most important test.

After a minute or two, a blonde guy comes in with a smile on his face. He tell the guard to leave. He sits on the chair opposite to me, putting his book and laptop on the table.

"Good morning Eos. "

"Good morning sir."

"A little nervous ?"

"No sir, not at all. "

"Hey ! Don't be this stiff. And please don't call me sir. If you want you can call me Herion. My name is Dr. Xavier Herion. So, shall be begin ?"

Hell yeah!!!!

"Yes Dr. Herion."

Finally.....the test begins.