Our Other Mate: Chapter 41

Chapter 41 


Ella's POV 




It had been two days since Marine arrived and my father would be here today. She had spent her time here trying to teach me about my powers, but it was hopeless. I never knew I had any until recently and not knowing where it came from made it impossible to harness. After struggling with it and Marine's constant "try harder" I gave up going back into the cabin and flopping on the couch with Merrick. 

"I give up! How am I supposed to control something I didn't even know I had!" I let out a frustrated groan. 

Behind me, I feel Phillip's hands rub my shoulders, "Don't worry babe, once your dad gets here, we will figure it out." He comforts me. 

Marine sails past us, walking to the room we had provided, and mumbled something about needing to rest after all that on her way by.