Chapter 4

"Amelia," Richard warned her for her rudeness. His daughter pushed the limits many times but today was not a day where he was in the mood to tolerate her. "Annabelle is currently the only mother figure you have in your life. A little more respect would be nice."

"I was raised by my biological mother and many of the maids here in the castle. I am not in desperate need of another mother figure and respect is earned. However, in the words of my grandmother, it would be nice of you to tell your mistress not to interject into conversations between royals," Amelia replied.

"I am the king's woman and have a seat at this table just like you. I don't see why you must have this hatred towards me. You and I can have a good relationship if only you would give me a chance."

Amelia wanted to roll her eyes because of Annabelle's performance. When her mother was alive, she remembered the things this woman had to say all because she had the king's attention.

If Annabelle had any common sense, she would have run away from the king when she saw how he treated his wife. Nothing about Annabelle was special for her to not share the same fate. Her father wanted an obedient woman and he found one, for now.

"Our relationship as you call it is good as it is." In a dull tone, Amelia asked her father, "Why have you called for us to be here? I know it isn't to have a chat."

They rarely ate breakfast together unless there were guests at the castle and her father wanted to act as if they were a happy family. What he failed to see was that if you kept pretending, sooner or later everyone around would find flaws in the acting.

"You have the finest teacher at your disposal and yet none of them have been able to teach you manners. Ha, I have yet to see the respectable princess many have spoken about. Annabelle is a part of this family and she is helping us to expand it. Before the entire kingdom knows about it, I thought to at least inform you that you will be having a sibling in the next few months," Richard smiled, proud that the opportunity presented itself to have the heir he always wanted.

Anne had failed to bear him a son when she was alive and he was left with just Amelia. Every king needed an heir so he had women visit his room to carry out the act of trying to bear him a son.

Unfortunately, he didn't tolerate some of the women long enough for them to give him what he wanted. The ones he did like were either unable to get pregnant or give him more daughters he did not need. He had the girls killed since he was already stuck with a princess he could not get rid of. Luckily, he met Annabelle.

Intertwining one hand with Richards, Annabelle placed her hand on her stomach. "I am hoping to bless the king with a prince. After many struggles of not having an heir to the throne that might change soon. Wouldn't you like to have a younger brother Amelia?"

Amelia covered her hand with her mouth before she chuckled because of the nonsense being told to her at the table. "Father, you have never been so kind as to inform me of anything in advance and now you are only doing it because you might have the prince you so desperately wanted. Congratulations," she slowly clapped twice while looking at her father. "I hope you have a healthy baby boy to fill your heart with what you have been longing for."

A sibling was the last thing Amelia needed when she hated both of the baby's parents. Now she would have to look at someone who was a mixture of both of them.

Annabelle bowed her head accepting Amelia's blessing. With the unborn child growing in her stomach, she'll day by day increase her status in the castle. Then, not even the princess could tell her where she was welcomed. Her future will be sealed depending on the gender of her unborn child. She'll be the mother of a prince and the next future king.

"If that was all you wish to tell me, father, I will request that I have my breakfast served now and then I carry on with my day," Amelia said.

"I was expecting you to be upset and leave. What are you up, child?" King Richard never trusted when his daughter didn't react the way she would with her sarcastic words and rude behavior. She was taking it on better than he expected.

"I've congratulated her. What more do you want from me?" Amelia looked at her father. He had enough common sense to know she wasn't going to lead a parade for having a sibling coming from the woman he disrespected her mother with.

King Richard sighed standing up from his seat. This breakfast gathering was a gift to Annabelle after she annoyed him all night long about breaking the news to Amelia. He was annoyed with how useless it turned out and they could have just announced it to everyone one time. Hopefully, now that he had done what she asked she would keep quiet when he visits her room to relieve stress.

"You're leaving?" Annabelle stood up to bid her king goodbye.

Amelia remained seated sipping on a cup of tea placed on the table for her. "That should have been obvious from him standing up and the annoyed sighed but we can't all have common sense," she muttered using the teacup to hide her mouth.

Annabelle rolled her eyes behind Richard's back and bid him farewell. When the king left, she sat back down triumphant in her seat. "You know Amelia, it would do you some good to try to please me. The life of a princess is hard. It would be good for you to have some allies. Your mother has been dead for some time now, isn't your father allowed to move on and be happy?"

"Considering that my mother hardly ever loved him, he is. If he wanted to get married again or spend his days rolling around with his mistress, fine by me. What I will not do is pretend to be all buddy-buddy with the woman who taunted my mother when she was alive. Understood?" Amelia smiled, placing her teacup down.

"You just said your mother didn't love him, why should she have been upset by the things I did?" Annabelle didn't see the logic in that.

"She wasn't because she never allowed insignificant things to bother her. Unfortunately, her daughter is extremely petty and holds grudges. Therefore, you and I will not even be acquaintances. Let us not try to be fake with each other. I can only hold my sarcastic comments for so long."