Chapter 16

"Woo," Amelia tried to stabilize the wild horse when she came across a pile of dead bodies belonging to more guards from the Blackwell castle. Seeing their dead bodies made her more upset her father had sent her to be live bait to trap the northerners.

"Why did he send so few men? He's cockier than I thought," Amelia scoffed, not seeing how her father thought this would turn out to be in his favor. It didn't take long for Killian's men to get rid of the trap her father laid out. "They set me up to become bait for this. Even worse, King Killian would have to go through that village to get here. Those villagers could be hurt."

"Ugh," Cyrus groaned since the ride on the horse was not a smooth one. Amelia had never ridden on a horse like this so she wasn't able to manage it well.

After a long ride away from where they were attacked Cyrus said, "We're far enough, princess. Stop so that I can take the lead. You'll lose control of the horse soon and we won't make it back to the castle fast enough."

Amelia stopped the horse looking back to see if there was anyone around. When she saw no one, she slid off the horse. Blackwell guards out on patrol passed by her confused by the sight but she waved them off. "None of you bother me."

"Princess, what are you doing? Get them to help you," Cyrus breathed out.

"I just need a minute," she covered her face with one hand as her body started to shake from fear. The situation now weighed her body down as the dead bodies flashed in her mind. "They're all dead. They have people at home waiting for them. He didn't plan this properly."

Cyrus heard the faint sound of sniffles coming from Amelia. He looked away giving her some privacy as one thing he noticed was her dislike for letting people see her cry. What could he tell her at this moment to comfort her?

It's going to be okay?

They know what they signed up for when they became warriors?

Are you okay?

"I'm sorry," he apologized for not being able to properly defend her and save some of the men back there. "You saved us when that is my job but I did nothing back-"

"You tried to warn the guard but he did not listen. Not all of them would have survived had they listened to you but more than just the two of us returning would be better. Honestly, you have been around me for a while now but still, they are so hard-headed not to listen when you are warning them of danger."

"You are at war with the north so it is expected," Cyrus replied. He didn't feel any type of way that they didn't listen to him since it was normal.

"This war is doing nothing but losing good men from both sides. I can't bring myself to be upset with king Killian because if roles were reversed back there, our warriors would have made sure no northerners were left there. It's frustrating to see how much two kingdoms hate each other. I feel useless for not being able to voice how I feel or make a change," Amelia wiped her tears away as she backed Cyrus.

"You have done enough princess," he tried to comfort her.

"When? The orphanages? My father will do whatever he can to take some of that money! What else have I honestly done? I try to stupidly stand up against my father and look where I ended up, as bait. And everyone back there," she shakingly pointed her hand where they came from. "Is dead and there was nothing I could have done to help them."

"You held your ground against Killian," said Cyrus. The man was feared for a reason and instead of showing fear, Amelia held herself together until she was out of his sight. "You were able to convince him to free me along with you. I have not been around the king many times but not many can make him change his mind."

"That still means nothing to me. I couldn't convince him to keep the others alive," she wiped the last of her tears away and then faced Cyrus.

"He only meant to let you live and you were able to save me. That means something to me. Thank you for not leaving me behind," Cyrus bowed, grateful he had not been taken by king Killian.

Cyrus had someone he needed to find here which was why he wanted to remain close to Amelia after she freed him. Killian would not care about this fact and either send him back to the north or kill him right on the spot for attempting to attack his own people in order to save the princess.

"Well, obviously I can't let you die. I'll be left with one less person I like in the castle," said Amelia.

Now that she had calmed down they needed to hurry back to the castle to warn of Killian's presence in their kingdom.

"Let's go back. We can't trust that man isn't following behind us. I say that as we are here chatting. How are your wounds?" Amelia attempted to check on them but Cyrus stepped away. "Okay, won't look at them."

She found his reaction odd but maybe it was a male ego thing? If she had gotten bit by a wolf, two of them to be specific, she would be accepting all the help in the world to help her get over the pain. She didn't feel any sort of way regarding him being taken down easily. He was going up against more than one man from the north and they had wolves.

"Let's just go," she sighed.

Looking down to hide his face from Amelia, Cyrus now noticed the lack of shoes on her feet. Her feet were being dirtied by the wet ground and there was the possibility of her getting cut. "Take my shoes," he started to take off his own.

Amelia looked down at him rushing to take off his shoes also now realizing that she didn't have any on after she threw one at Killian and the other was on the ground beside the horse. It probably fell from her hand when she slid off the horse.

She wiggled her toes feeling the earth beneath her feet. "I don't need your shoes."