"No, he most definitely would not keep a Blackwell on the throne if he kills my father. It wouldn't be good for me or the kingdom if he puts one of his relatives on the Blackwell throne. There is also no guarantee that he would leave me alive just because he left me alive the first time. Why is life so difficult?" Amelia sighed as she walked through the halls.
"Why can't you be born with a book that tells you what is needed to achieve what you want in life? Or better yet, why can't my father just name me heir instead of entertaining the idea of making Fraser, king? Now I have to deal with Annabelle's unborn brat."
Amelia didn't like having a bad thought that Annabelle should lose her child but she truly wished the baby would be another girl. At least it would buy time for her father to pick an heir.
"Fraser is so clumsy he'll trip and fall to die before he could sit on the throne long or I could simply kill him. If this kingdom has to engage in more war before there is peace, I hope the king of the north can get rid of all my enemies. Then, I might propose the idea of me marrying one of his relatives in order to keep Blackwell on the throne. Why on earth does everything have to end with me getting married?"
Amelia felt the need to fight the invisible person in front of her. Why could she only accomplish something through marriage? "Is having a penis truly the best thing in the world? I asked to learn sword fighting so that I could not be a royal who sits back while their people defend the land but my father disagreed. I could have tried my chances to kill Killian when he was so close to me."
"I would have died," Amelia admitted after a long pause. "But still, I would have gone out trying to kill our enemy."
Amelia sat down by a chair situated right under a window for her to look out at the land belonging to Margaret. "Killian Bune is somewhere out there plotting his next move and we have no idea where he is. My father is celebrating small victories while the king is able to do so much damage with a handful of me."
Amelia rested her head back against the chair as she thought about life in the castle. It wasn't all rainbows and sunshine as the stories told to children. She had to constantly worry about the fate of the kingdom and her own life.
Outside of Gina and Cyrus, she was all alone in the castle, worrying about so many things she could not offer input on. A couple more weeks in the castle and she would certainly lose her sanity.
"What is that?" Amelia perked up when she saw a cart carrying something covered by cloth going in the opposite direction of Margaret's home. She stood up to get a better look at what it might be.
It was odd considering the fact that all other carts were heading towards the barn or where many tools were being stored. Before Amelia took two steps forward to go to the next window to see where the cart would be going, she heard her name being called.
"Amelia, I am ready to head out and have some fun with you," said Margaret.
Amelia was surprised to hear Margaret ready to leave when they only just came in to rest her knees and get settled in. 'Is she trying to rush me out of here?' She pondered.
"I'll need a moment longer, grandmother. Cyrus is doing something for me and Gina is not around at the moment. Can we leave in about an hour? I'm sure your feet can enjoy a little rest," Amelia replied. She wanted to stay and see if there was anything suspicious that Margaret wished to hide. Certainly, her grandmother wouldn't be offering supplies to Killian Bune.
"I know you don't like to go anywhere without them but I have enough guards and maids to serve you in their absence. We wouldn't want your favorite snacks to sell out and there must be a lot you wish to see. Let's go," Margaret clapped her hands excitedly to leave. She felt young again now that she was going somewhere fun with Amelia rather than being bored at home.
"Harold, prepare the carriage for us to leave and have the best men assigned to guard us. Two royals must have the best protection there is when traveling," said Margaret.
"Leaving without Gina and more importantly Cyrus feels like I am setting up myself for something bad to happen, grandmother. I won't be upset if all of my favorite snacks run out. I have been wanting to cut back on snacks anyway," Amelia replied, refusing to leave without Cyrus at least.
"Do you think I would have you protected while you are with me, child? I am not taking you to see the king of the north if that is what you are suspicious about and the cart you were spying on is taking old wood to a neighbor who wants it. My servants wouldn't have to waste time burning the wood. I have no idea where Killian is and I am not looking for him. I am just open to talking if he comes to me."
Amelia looked out at the cart which had now disappeared while she was looking away. She still found her grandmother's timing to be odd since she did not have enough time to sit down to rest her feet. However, she was willing to give Margaret the benefit of doubt. Her grandmother would never push her into danger as her father would.
If Margaret was excited to take her somewhere, it would be for her own benefit. Maybe they were truly going to enjoy the festival or maybe the festival was a cover-up to not seem suspicious to anyone in the castle that Margaret was taking her elsewhere.
'I'll have to find out,' Amelia thought.
"Please prepare a horse for Cyrus to follow us with when he comes back inside. I want him alerted of where I am going as soon as he returns," Amelia informed the butler. "Let's go, grandmother."