Chapter 65

'I'm sorry mother,' Amelia mentally apologized to her mother for burning her tower. 'I needed a distraction. I'll be leaving the castle soon. I hope with many of your memories burnt and me leaving, your soul can finally move on from this dreaded place. Do me a favor and strangle my father. Though I suppose he won't be where you are.'

Amelia heard light footsteps of someone approaching her but did not need to turn around to know who it was. "Cyrus, I thought I told you to look for Gina. You know she must be scared out of her mind. I am fine."

"Why?" Cyrus asked.

Amelia knew he was not referring to going off to look for Gina. He knew she finally said yes to Killian's offer. "It's not only about me. I have to do what is right for my people. The Blackwells and the north have been at each other's throats far too long. I have a new path now, Cyrus."