Chapter 71

Morning quickly fell upon the Blackwell castle and inside her bedroom, Amelia lay wide awake. Her mind was full of different images of what Killian might look like as he was flying by her window. She stayed awake trying to get used to the fact that demons are real and they can fly.

"Why did I have to wake up and now I cannot fall back to sleep?" She regretted waking up earlier. She preferred never knowing about Killian's ability to fly. "Can Cyrus fly too? If he could, he would have flown us out of danger the day my carriage was attacked. This is too much for me to handle," she concluded.

She saw why the existence of demons was kept a secret. It was too hard to fathom the more she thought about it and the more she realized just how dangerous the north was.

"What if there are others out there that are not demons but just as dangerous as them? What else is out there in the world?" Amelia asked as if the answer would fall from the sky.