Chapter 136

"Your room is quite big. It is good to see they are already treating you well. Looks homey," Gina commented on the room, impressed with what they prepared for Amelia.

Amelia closed the door behind them to have privacy. Cyrus was meant to visit them after he helped Jahi to her room. "It looks that way because it's Killian. I don't want to-"

"What!" Gina loudly screeched. "Why did you bring us to his room? I thought you were bringing me to your room. Wait, don't tell me," she eyed Amelia with suspicion. "Did he give up his room for you?"

"No, what I took you were going to say. No, Gina. This is our room because it was a little bit dangerous for me to be away from him last night. I think I should be able to get my own room tonight since it has been announced I will be his wife. At the moment, I only have to watch out for a couple of his enemies who want me dead. Are you alright?" Amelia asked as Gina looked as if she could pass out at any moment.