Chapter 151

"Grandmother, don't you think it would be wise for you to inform us of whatever secrets you know about the north? Has Amelia sent you something?" Fraser asked, less hurt about her having no hope for him and more curious about what secrets she knew. 

If he was going to attack the north, he needed all of their secrets. This morning, invitations were sent to the castle by birds giving all the details about Amelia's marriage to Killian and her getting crowned queen of the north. Fraser was in a rush to become king before Amelia would be queen. 

Of course whatever Amelia knew about the north would be kept a secret or shared with their grandmother. She was becoming more of a traitor each day in Fraser's eyes. Why was he the only one seeing her shadiness? It wouldn't be surprising to him if Amelia was so desperate to sit on the throne in this kingdom that she would join sides with Killian.