Chapter 223

"Cyrus, please stay close to Gina when I leave to be with Killian. With so many demons here, I want the four of you protecting her," Amelia said, looking over her shoulder at the two other guards. They never spoke and always disappeared when she did not need them. Sometimes Amelia forgot she had more guards since she spent most of her time with Cyrus and Edith. The other two were starting to creep her out. 

"Is there something wrong?" Amelia touched Cyrus's shoulder, sensing that there was something off about him today. He was normally silent but she knew when there was something wrong with Cyrus.

Gina looked at Cyrus who failed to tell Amelia that he planned to leave. Although Gina wanted Amelia to quickly talk some sense into Cyrus, she did not want Amelia's big day to be ruined. Not by Cyrus and certainly not by Jahi. Gina hoped the foolish woman had listened to Killian's threat and would not be showing up today for any reason.