Chapter 229

Beth wasn't on board with Fraser spreading rumors that Amelia had worked with the north to kill her father. There were hushed talks everywhere Beth turned about Amelia. Some believed no daughter of Anne could do such a thing while others argue that royals would do anything to become Queen or King.

"Fraser, you should have thought this through before spreading what you did. It is not your cousin I am worried about. It is the man who is smittened with her.  Remember that the truce was broken because he did not like you disrespecting her.  There is nothing to stop the northerners from coming down the mountain and attacking us. Our guards are not ready," Beth said, leaving Fraser to look out the window.

All of the men with important roles in the King's army had returned and as she expected, they  asked about Leonard. They had not accepted Fraser as the new King and stormed out, threatening to give up their posts.