Chapter 231

Beth paced back and forth, biting her fingernails as she tried to think about what to do next. She had to search everyone who was present in the castle now and was present when the wine was brought out from storage for today. "I am going to have them hung." 

"Calm down," Cedric said, closing the door behind him to get privacy. From his sleeve, he pulled out a small glass bottle with brown liquid inside.  He approached Fraser who laid crying in pain on a table the guards placed him on.

"What do you think you are doing?" Beth asked, grabbing his hand to stop him from going to her son. "We are waiting for a doctor."

"Why wait when I have the answer?" Cedric replied, removing the cover which immediately released a pungent stench in the room. "He will be fine in a few minutes."

"Answer? You, you did this," Beth realized. She would bet her arm it was Margaret. "You bastard! Are you aware of what you almost did? Fraser could have died."