Chapter 253

"There's something more to this one," Sybil said, taking a step closer to Amelia, but not close enough for Amelia to see her. "Is she one of those children?"

"She is," Killian folded his arms.

"Give me a bit of her blood and I'll do any spell or potion for free for the rest of your lives. I'll take letters to Anne for as long as you need. Turn anyone into a frog. You name it," said Sybil. Amelia was now more valuable than Killian's wings.

"I don't want to share my blood with anyone," Amelia replied, suspicious of what Sybil would do with her blood. 

Sybil was helpful and she seemed to know her mother well, but she was still a witch. Amelia didn't want any part of her to be given to someone for a spell or potion. Not even to the witches who raised her mother. It was better to be safe than sorry. It should be enough that a demon had her heart in the palm of his hands.