Chapter 293

"This is a bad idea. Why are we sneaking into this castle when there is still light out? No one had the sense to help me stop her from coming to this castle after all it took for us to get her out of it. Why would you want to come back here, Anne? Do you not see the demons in the sky?"

"Why did the three of you force me out of my cave? I was making a special potion," said Sybil. She hated to be down where the humans lived.  There was a high chance of one of them ending up in a fire. 

"Oh, hush Sybil. No one forced you out of your cave. You accepted my help to get rid of that ugly appearance you had so you could look human. You should be thanking me that you are not as you looked before. And stop using that black magic," Cordelia argued. She was tired of seeing the many animals Sybil started to become because of her toying with black magic.