Chapter 329

"Stop following me or I will change my mind and turn around to kill you," Killian said to Cyrus since he smelled the bastard following him. It would be good to kill the man and toss his body in the underworld where Amelia would find him, but Lilith would find out and he doubted she would keep her mouth closed. 

"Amelia has denied those rumours about us, but you still seem to think they were true. Amelia and I were never together," Cyrus repeated for the hundredth time. He had hoped by now that no one believed that ridiculous lie that started in this castle and that Killian would stop eyeing him like he wanted Amelia.

"There was no need to tell me that as I am aware you were never with my wife. If I believed it, you would be long dead," Killian replied.

"By now you should be able to trust Amelia. She would never-"