Chapter 352

"I will forget about you teaching her how to use fire since we have a more important matter to deal with right now. Cyrus has finally come to visit us. Be nice," Amelia warned before Killian could say something to ruin the pleasant moment.

"Us? I don't recall him being my friend or guard," Killian said, gently pulling Aydan from being too close to Cyrus.

Ten years passed without a single sight of Cyrus so Killian thought he would never have to see him again. Cyrus being here would open up conversations about what happened to Jahi. That was something he wanted to continue to keep a secret from Amelia, but he couldn't if Cyrus was showing up before him. 

Killian couldn't help but think he should have gotten rid of Cyrus back then when he had the chance. Cyrus seemed dead the last couple of years so it wouldn't have made any difference. Why now was Cyrus back in Amelia's life when ten years had gone by?