Little Space

While Patrick got out from his bathroom, he came out to his room and was shocked to saw Anita in his room and on his bed, smiling at him as she stared to him seductively.

Patrick gulped and was lucky he had tied his towel around his waist, as he mostly stepped out of his bathroom bare, without any towel on him, but luckily, he tied his towel after drying up his wet body in the bathroom.

Patrick was angry, he was thinking too much these day, on what he truly wanted, and Anita too on the other hand, wasn't even giving him any space to think properly, as she was all over him wanting him to propose to her.

Patrick respected his relationship with Mr Bright, if not he could've sent Anita away since the initial stages of their relationship. But now Anita has succeeded in painting the whole media about them, and at some point he was begining to forgot about Tina too.

Patrick frowned and asked her, "What're you doing in here?."

Anita stared to Patrick sweetly and smiled, replying him, "Nothing, am also tired and wanting to rest. Or what does it look to you like am about to do?."

Patrick frowned and he replied, "Anita see there's something I need to sort out first, can you at least try and understand and give me a little space?."

"I understand," Anita smiled, "I won't disturb you, but I need to freshen up too as am also tired okay. After that we can go downstairs to get something to eat, before retiring to sleep."

Patrick wanted to said something further, but he just stopped and went on wearing his night robe as he didn't wanted to spent anymore minutes with Anita in his room. As he needed some time alone to clear off his thoughts about Tina.

Later Patrick and Anita both went downstairs, and after their dinner, Anita noticed Patrick didn't even wanted to talked to her nor asked her anything. And she sighed and decided to allowed Patrick be, like he had insisted.

Anita went upstairs to his room and slept off on his bed hoping when Patrick was thru, he would joined her in bed. But to Anita's surprised, when she woke up the following morning, Patrick wasn't by her side and didn't slept in his room the previous night either, as Patrick left her and slept in another room he had in his mansion.

Anita stood up and immediately rushed downstairs because she woke up earlier due to the fact that she wanted to urinated and on her way downstairs, Anita meet with one of his Patrick's staff mopping the tiled floor, and the staff greeted her, "Good morning," Seeing Anita rushing downstairs.

"Morning, Have you seen Patrick?," Anita immediately asked him, and the staff looked a bit surprised and replied "No madam."

Anita frowned and went to her phone to called Patrick, but just Anita turned to dialed Patrick's number, Anita saw Patrick coming out from one of his guest rooms downstairs, making her to walked up to meet him and to confronted him why he left her last night.

"Did you actually slept here last night, leaving me all alone in your room?," Anita asked and Patrick frowned deepened as he replied, "Can't you at least greet me first, good morning, Anita?."

Anita frowned, squeezing her face too as Patrick approached her and massage her shoulder and she replied him, "Good morning."

Patrick smiled and he asked her, "How was your night?."

"You haven't answered my question babe. Am not fine.." Anita flared up.

"How could you leave me all alone in your room and come sleep here?," Anita questioned out, as she stared into the guest room that Patrick had just stepped out from.

Patrick stood by the entrance door of the guest room and the corridor leading out to his living room and he sighed and replied, "I told you last night that I needed some little space to think. Did you actually thought I was joking?."

"No," Anita replied with a subtly frowned as Patrick walked passed her, walking out to his living room and he sat down on a couch, wrapped in his white night robe and he stared to Anita whom walked out next to meet him.

"Anita, it may seem as though I do not love you again, or want this relationship to continue, but the truth is that, I was in love with someone else long before I meet with you. Although she's not around here with me, and that's why you haven't seen her here or heard of her either. Honestly I.."

"Honestly what..?!," Anita flared up cutting Patrick off.

"I thought as much. I already knew it, that you've something bothering you, but I don't seem to care whom you're talking about either. If you think telling me all these now will make me leave you or quit my relationship with you, then you lie Patrick, as am not going anywhere or leaving you either. Am not going to break up with you and that's the truth," Anita said and Patrick gulped all he wanted too said but next Anita raised her voice and shouted at him.

"How could you Patrick?!, After all these while, Is that why you're normally insisting on sleeping with me with protection?. Well am not a fool okay, and I won't leave you for anyone else!. Since you already said she's not around, it as good as forgetting about her okay!, And let's continue with our love," Anita walked closer to meet Patrick sitting on the living room couch and she held his hands in her as she sat with him.


Mama-Tina got home earlier than before as she didn't have much goods to sold at her market shade, as the prices of commodities, foodstuffs and fruits were a bit higher, causing bad market to her. As she had used part of her business money to registered Tina on her new tailoring training.

While Mama-Tina got home, She took Godsent down from her back, As she had backed him with a wrapper tied around herself. (The norm African ways of mothers carrying their baby on their back using a wrapper to tied him hold onto her back, so he wouldn't fell off.)

And since Papa-Tina had returned, he had been called by his family elders and kinsmen as they demanded he explained as to them, where he had been since, abandoning his wife and children.

Papa-Tina kinsmen also demanded Papa-Tina must looked for something doing, to assisted his wife and trained his two sons not leaving everything to Mama-Tina alone to cater for.

Mama-Tina got into their parlour and Papa-Tina wasn't around. As Jude and Richmond had both not yet returned back from school, And so Mama-Tina sat Godsent down and gave him his toys to be playing with as she went to their kitchen to prepared their dinner.

Tina came back home first, after her mother had arrived, and she saw her little son playing with his toys, while she ran up to meet him and carried him up in her arms.

Godsent was already Nine months old, and he was so cute, while Tina regretted why she couldn't remembered Patrick's face fully, to matched his resemblance with her son.

Tina knew she had meet Patrick several times before, but she wasn't comfortable staring up to Patrick's face then, As Patrick always stared at her with love written clearly in his eyes, and Tina couldn't comfortably held up with his gazed on her.

Tina thought Patrick must be handsome for her son to looked so cute. Although she was supposed to hated Patrick and cursed him for what he did to her, Taking her pride away and forcing himself on her, but staring at her cute little son, Tina couldn't helped but forgave his father, as she knew it was a mistake.

At least now she understood better why her mother never cursed her father even after he had left her mother for another woman. Her mother had always kept on praying for her father to returned back home to his senses. Hoping one day her father would returned home to his family and he eventually returned. But her owned case was different, As her mother and father were in love with eachother and also got married before her mother gave birth to her and her two brothers. But hers, Tina wasn't in loved with Patrick, and didn't really knew him either.

Tina shook her head sadly as she sat down outside on the bench with her cute son, thinking about her life and possibility that Patrick didn't even knew she has a son for him as a result of that fated night with him, that he had slept with her and deflowered her. And Tina wondered if Patrick had ever searched for her ever since then, nor he never really loved her and was only lusting after her then to slept with her.

Tina wondered if Patrick was already married to someone else, and she thought - {Prisca whom I could've asked about Patrick, I heard from gossip mongers that Prisca had died of Aids in the city, How true is that?. And there's no one else I know to ask of Patrick, not even Patrick sister, Sharon, for the sake of my son. What will I tell him about his father, when he start asking me questions?.}

Tina sat down thinking and her mother finally stepped out and tapped her shoulder gently.

"Tina, you are back?," Mama-Tina asked and Tina snapped out from her variant thought and replied, "Yes mom."

Tina shifted a little, while her mother sat down beside her on the bench and waited for the food she was preparing to done.

"Tina, what're you thinking about?," Mama-Tina asked again as she touched Godsent chubby cheeks and started playing with him.

"Nothing mom. Am just thinking about the past, Godsent father," Tina subtly replied and her mother sighed.

"What has happened has already happened. You need to move on with your life and forget about your ugly past. You're still young and you will still meet with someone else whom you're going to marry, So don't go thinking too much about the past okay. Past is passed," Mama-Tina assured Tina as she tried to cheered Tina up.

"Okay mom," Tina replied and Mama-Tina stood up from the bench to go and checked up on the food she was preparing before, While Tina breathed out in relieved..