Broken Heart

"What happened to you Anita?" Max asked holding Anita up as he sat on her bed and helped her sat up gently on her bed and he asked Hailey, "Did mom or dad knows she's like this?."

"Yes they know" Hailey answered while she covered up Anita's food which Anita has refused to ate and Hailey took it along with her, wanting to go warmed up the food again, to heat it and preserved it, but then Max called her back, "Hailey why's she like this?."

Hailey sighed as she wasn't the one whom was supposed to explained Anita's situation to Max, and she wondered if Max even knew whom Patrick was, nor about Anita been in a relationship with Patrick.

Max didn't liked to be kept waiting like his mother and he asked Hailey impatiently again, "Can't any of you say something, did Anita fought with anyone?."

"No brother.. Anita broke up with her boyfriend, Patrick Scott."

Hailey dropped the bombshell and the room fell in awkward silence and Max finally spoked.

"You mean Patrick caused her to looked these messed up?."

Max stared at Hailey in disbelief, as he hated Patrick and it pained him to seeing Anita heartbroken because of his rival.

Max calmed down and tried to pacify Anita, while Hailey left them to go warmed up the food or gave it to their maid to warm it up.

"Anita, you shouldn't be this sad over Patrick," Max said frowning at the thought of Patrick and Anita stammered to replied him, "But . I.. love .. him bro.. I love Patrick."

"Hmm..." Max frowned.

"Yeah, you may love him, but why did he broke up with you?," Max asked, not knowing what had caused them to broke up and Anita replied as she sobbed, "He has a child with someone else.."

"What!" Max exclaimed and laughed out and he calmed, seeing Anita's redden face.

"It okay sister. Just cheer up and forget about Patrick. I never knew you were like these, the last time I came here asking why you weren't going to the awarding ceremony?. Could you believed that I even saw Patrick there too?," Max said.

"Really?," Anita's face lit up when she heard of Patrick, and Max frowned again noticing his sister curiosity over his enemy, then Anita asked him,

"Did you talked to him, did he asked you of me?."

"Hmm.." Max frowned again seeing Anita's face brightened.

Max sighed seeing how Anita became eager to knew about Patrick and he spoked, "Yes, he asked of you and said I should sent his warm regards to you."

"So he still cared about me" Anita managed to smiled after hearing what Max said, and Max frowned deepened seeing Anita was still stupidly in love with Patrick even after Patrick got another lady pregnant and with his child.

Seeing Anita smiling sheepishly, Max brought her back to reality and said, "Anita you need to try and forget about Patrick. I don't think he's a good choice of partner for you, especially now that he already has a babymama."

"But I love him bro, I can't forget about Patrick, because some other lady got pregnant for him." Anita paused and continued to encouraged her feelings for Patrick.

"Besides they're not yet married and Patrick isn't married to the babymama. Am sure Patrick still loves me, because we have spent so much time together."

"Anita!" Max exclaimed as he called out her name to stopped. As he was automatically becoming irritated seeing how she spoked and he said, "Is best you let go of Patrick now!. There are still so many other eligible suitors out there, asking for your hand in Marriage, and I can personally find you a good husband for you, but not Patrick."

"No brother!" Anita cried out hearing what her brother just said, as she was obviously still behaving like a baby, wanting her brother to pampered her, but she just remembered that her brother was as cold hearted like their mother.

Max stood up from Anita's bed angrily and left Anita's room, as he knew it wouldn't be easy to convinced Anita to leave Patrick alone and move on with her life. So he left, now understanding why his parent left her to heal up on her own. Then he proceeded and went to saw his mother in her room before she left their mansion.


Chris had settled all he was doing in his office, so he decided to gave Tina a call, although he had tried calling Tina since when he got to the city, but her number wasn't reachable so after finishing his office work he decided to called Tina again, and it rang but Tina still didn't answered.

Chris assumed Anita might be busy with her work in her seamstress madam's workshop, as Tina was already improving in her sewing and now sewing some few dresses, so he waited a little before calling her line again.

While Chris was waiting, he remembered his last visit to Patrick's Office the last weekend and he frowned remembering how Patrick had told him, he saw Tina and she was now very beautiful than before when they had meet and had s*x.

Chris hated the way Patrick smiled describing Tina's new shaped to him. And Chris never mentioned to Patrick that he was now dating Tina too, as he kept it all a secret to knew what Patrick truly planned on doing, and Chris hoped Patrick heeded to the advice he gave to him, which he knew Patrick might not followed from the way Patrick's face fell sad after hearing his advice to go back to Anita.

Chris prayed Patrick let him have Tina, and goes back to Anita, and he thought - [What if Patrick refused going back to Anita, what will now happened between my relationship with Tina?. Hmm, I love Tina very much and I cannot give her up to Patrick either.]

Thinking about what might happen if Patrick refused to continued with Anita, just then, Chris phone rang out breaking off his thoughts and it was Tina calling him back, and he smiled and he picked up the call.

"Hello, Good afternoon babe?" Chris said smiling sweetly to himself.

"Good afternoon, my love" Tina replied, as she had been calling Chris my love ever since the last time Chris visited her and proposed marriage to her.

Obviously Tina liked Chris, so she has been calling him my love since then.

"So what's up with you, how you doing today, hope your day isn't stressful?" Chris asked her and Tina answered,

"Not really, am fine."

"How about your mom, dad, brothers and little Godsent?. I hope none of them are stressing you?" Chris questioned and Tina laughed out hearing what Chris just asked her and she replied, "No one are stressing me."

"Okay.. How about your mom?,"Chris asked her again and Tina said,

"My mom is fine, obviously she only just spoked to me and since then we are good."

"Hmph, so what did your mom spoked to you about?. Why did she said that I won't marry you?," Chris asked and Tina became quiet all of a sudden, not wanting to explained her mother's reasons to Chris, as she assumed if she told Chris her mother's true reason, Chris might hated her mother and she didn't wanted that, so she thought of a lie to told Chris but none was coming up.

Chris hated Tina's silence whenever he asked her something important, but he calmed down and said, "It okay, if you don't want to tell me, but you should know it not good for us to be keeping secrets away from each other. I just need you to trust me and also make me not to lose my trust in you. I will want to understand whatever you don't want to tell me is not important, but just know I love you and care for you very much, okay?."

"Okay. Am sorry, but my mom was just telling me, not like she doesn't want me to marry you, but if you will really accept me and my son, knowing my past," Tina finally said faintly to Chris, and Chris became quiet hearing what Tina just said..

Chris already loved and accepted Tina's mistake and wouldn't mind if her son came with her to live with him, but for the fact that her son looked so much like Patrick, he hated that.

Observing Chris silence, Tina was already becoming heartbroken and she managed to asked him, "Hello Chris, are you still there?."