Tina's Madam Shop

Patrick went in with his parent and Amanda whom came to welcomed him as his elder sister, Cindy had gone back to school, as she was still studying in a university in City A, So only Amanda was home with their parent.

Mama-Patrick spoked to Patrick as she welcomed him inside, "Which food should we serve you?, We just finished cooking your favorite meal, pounded yam and white soup, but we still have rice, incase you aren't ready for the pounded yam yet?."

Mama-Patrick smiled and Patrick replied, "Mom you know I just came back home, don't stress yourself too much, I will eat later, but first let me freshen up."

Patrick stood to went into his chamber to freshen up, before he came out back to ate the special delicacy that his mother had prepared for him, but just before he could walked into the passage leading to all the rooms in the new mansion he built for his parent, just then Amanda stopped him.

"Big brother.. I have already packed my bags to follow you back oo.."

Patrick paused and stared back to his baby sister that had grew into a big lady and he asked, "Why did you packed your bags?," Pretending like he didn't knew why?.

"Don't mind her, she has been insisting on going with you to the city, whenever you return home" replied Mama-Patrick and Patrick smiled hearing what his mother just replied to him.

"But Amanda, I have told you that you cannot come to live with me in the city" Patrick finally spoked.

"But why brother?, I just want to come for the holiday, before school resume, I will come back home to stay with Mama and Papa" Amanda said frowning.

"No" Patrick insisted as he stared to Amanda.

How would he explained better to Amanda, for her to understood that he didn't wanted her to became wild like Sharon, whom has already turned wayward and now based abroad.

Patrick gave it a few thoughts and he stopped Amanda from breaking down into tears and said, "Don't worry Amanda, Am not yet going back to the city yet, when I want to go back, I will let you know okay. So you don't have to cry, let me go in and freshen up first, later we can discuss about this okay, I just came back, and we still have enough time to discuss this later."

"Okay big brother, but I will follow you back oo" Amanda sniffed as she said, drying up her tears.

"Okay, have heard you.. " Patrick responded and he turned to face his mother and said, "Mom am going in to freshen up, later we discuss Amanda case."

"Okay my son, I will be waiting for you downstairs."

Patrick went in to freshen up, after that he came out back to ate, before going out as his mother served him his favorite pounded yam and white soup, then she asked him, "Patrick, when will you bring my grandchild home for me to see?."

Patrick gulped hearing what his mother asked him and he stared at her and replied, "Mama.. have told you I will bring them home for you to see, you shouldn't worry much about that."

"But am worried my son, I am. I need to see my grandchild okay. Let me know what he looks like" Mama-Patrick harrumphed and Patrick smiled hearing what his mother just said.

"Mama, your grandchild is cute, when you see him you will like him, let me eat my food first okay, you don't have to worry what your grandchild looks like, he looks like me" Patrick said smiling and his mother smiled back to him.

"Oh, my son. I just want to see my grandchild that's all. You can eat."

"Mama, don't worry, I will bring your grandson to you.." Patrick consoled his mother and he went on eating his favorite meal while his mother let him ate.


Tina was in her seamstress place sewing a new cloth for her son as she has already made some few arrangements for his upcoming 1-year birthday.

Godsent was already walking, so he was outside in front of her seamstress place with other apprentices working for her madam.

Godsent was very charming and cute that even some passerby do stared at him, as he attracted more customers for Tina's madam.

Initially Tina's madam wanted to complained that Tina's son would be disturbing them on focusing on their tailoring work, but seeing the way Godsent cuteness magnets a lot of customers for her and they were always busy than before when he wasn't there, she decided to keep mute about telling Tina not to brought Godsent to work again, instead, When she was less busy, she carried Godsent and bought him some biscuits and sweet as he attracted more customers to her shop.

Tina was inside as usual sewing, while Godsent was outside with her madam and other apprentice playing when Patrick arrived and parked his G-class Jeep in front of Tina's madam shop.

Tina's Madam remembered Patrick, that she had seen his face before as she stared to Patrick in his car, and admired him as he stepped down.

Patrick didn't parked on the opposite side of the road but instead he parked in front of Tina's madam shop as he hoped Tina would be around and inside the shop.

Patrick thought there was no need for him to parked on the opposite side of the road, so he stayed in his car a little wondering if Tina wouldn't embarrassed him. Then he finally decided to came down and greeted her madam, since he noticed the lady was staring at him.

Patrick was very handsome as he looked more masculine and huge with fine biceps and he was very tall in height..

Patrick highlighted from his Jeep and walked forward to greet Tina's madam as Tina's madam sat with one of her friend whom was also her customer, as she carried Godsent while they were busy discussing, but the beautiful Jeep Patrick had parked in front of them, caught their attention, so they stopped talking and rather stared to Patrick as he approached them.

And Patrick greeted her politely, "Good afternoon ma."

Patrick saw Godsent with them and he was happy seeing how cute Godsent looked and knowing Tina was definitely inside the shop.

"Welcome," Tina's madam and her friend replied to Patrick, as they smiled to him including some other female apprentices working in the shop, whom immediately rushed up to Patrick to asked him, "What do you want to buy sir?."

"Nothing, I didn't really wanted to bought anything though.." Patrick replied as he raked his short black hair not knowing what to said next, and how to start with his Introduction, but Tina's madam quickly dismissed them saying,

"Not to worry, I will attend to him. You ladies can return back to what you were doing before." Tina's madam stared to Patrick sweetly seeing Patrick must be a billionaire to be the owner of the executive Jeep she was seeing, so she wanted his attention all to herself and she spoked to him.

"Don't mind my girls, what is it you want to buy sir, or how may I help you?."

As Patrick turned to Tina's madam, Tina's madam saw the striking resemblance with Godsent and she knew definitely why Patrick was at her shop again as she immediately recognized Patrick, as the man she had seen before, because Godsent resembled him so much.

Even as Patrick stared at her, she could saw the resemblance and she gulped and said, "Oo, I guessed I remembered you now sir.. Godsent looks so much like you and you must be his father right..?," Tina's madam was carrying little Godsent on her thighs, as she sat him playing with his little fingers, and Patrick stared to her and replied "Godsent .."

Patrick wondered what kind of name Tina named his son but he smiled anyways while Tina madam continued with her speech, "You are here to see Tina right?. Let me ask them to call Tina for you, you can have a seat sir."

"No ma'am, Thanks for the seat, I won't be spending much time here" Patrick replied politely, and Tina's madam said "Okay."

Tina's madam turned and asked one of her apprentices to went inside and called Tina, then she continued talking to Patrick.