Date With Matthew

Anita went into her bathroom to freshen up as she finally decided to went out on the date with Matthew even though her heart didn't accepted Matthew.

Anita didn't wanted to got her father pissed off so she decided to gave Matthew a call after she came out from her bathtub.

Anita sat by her bedside to called Mathew on phone since the date was already scheduled in the evening and she decided to called Mathew to knew if Matthew too had collected her number from her father before now and Mathew's phone rang and the call connected.

"Hello.." Anita said softly and Matthew replied her, "Hello gorgeous, how you doing?."

Matthew was already holding his phone too anticipating to dialed on Anita's phone number but he was still thinking of what he would said to Anita if he called her first, but luckily Anita called him first.

Anita was stunned to heard Matthew called her gorgeous and she gulped as Mathew didn't even asked whom was calling, meaning Mathew already has her phone number too, stored on his phone and Anita gulped again and stammered, "Well I guess you already know who's calling you then?" Anita asked plainly, showing a sign of not interested and Mathew replied her, "Well, yes beautiful but to be honest I already have your beautiful number stored on my phone and anticipating to call you, but luckily for me you did first."

"Okay, nice. So am aware we should be meeting on our first date today, as arranged by our parents, I hope you are aware of that too?" Anita asked as she went straight to the point like she was talking to a business partner, not showing any sign of emotion attached and Matthew noticed her temperament was cold but he was calmed and understanding that Anita was still suffering from her heart break that Patrick had caused to her, so Mathew wasn't irritated and he replied her, "Dear, if you want us to postpone our first date, I can glady do that for you, if that's what you want. I can understand your situation.."

Matthew tried to suggested but Anita quickly responded, "No, I don't want to disappoint my Dad. I've already accepted to went on a date with you today and am already preparing towards that. You should do the same too, see you soon and just text to me the exact location we are going to be meeting for the date."

Anita didn't even waited for Mathew to replied her and she quickly ended the call while Matthew just stared at his phone as soon as he noticed Anita had already ended the call, not waiting for his response either.

Mathew felt a little hurt and cursed on Patrick, knowing that Patrick was the one whom caused all these.

Mathew had wanted Anita from the start but was slow to approached Anita, and when he finally gathered the courage too approached Anita, since Anita wasn't even noticing him, it was already too late as then he spotted Anita was all over Patrick then at one of his finest 5-star hotel in City A, cuddling Patrick whom sat peaceful drinking his wine like he wasn't the one Anita was cuddling with..

Matthew's blood had rose to angered level seeing them kissing and he couldn't told Anita his initial feelings again as he inside the club house and watched Anita with Patrick from afar.

Mathew had hope and prayed for Anita's and Patrick relationship to crashed, since he saw it was all fake from the start, knowing that Patrick never truly loved Anita, since Patrick was his friend too.

Mathew dressed up casually not wanting to looked to hot nor Charmin as he knew that even though hot, Anita wouldn't even be thrilled nor happy to saw him either.

Anita was only coming based on the fact that she didn't wanted to disappointed her father.

They agreed to meet at Matthew's Total hotel and suit for their first date, As Matthew was the owner of the hotel and he had several other branches in and out of City A, as Matthew wasn't the only child of his parents, as he had an older brother too whom was already married with kids and was the direct heir to their father's assets, The Days family owned properties.

Matthew just had few shared in it, but since Matthew was a club addict, lover and entertainer, Mathew used some of his own shared from his father's company to built several royal hotels and suits, even though it was against his father wished for any of his sons to owned a hotel, talked more of numerous hotels.

Anita arrived at the Matt Royal hotel and suit in City A as she dressed looking elegant wearing a sleeveless plain gown that clung tightly to her slim sexy body, bringing out her nice shape as Anita was tall and the gown had a simple patting below at her legs, revealing her long slender fair legs to.her admirers.

Anita received a warm royal from the royal attendant at Matt hotel and she was taken up to the executive lounge for VIP customers at the third floor of the four storey multimillion dollar hotel, and Anita sat down waiting for Matthew whom later should up not up to 10 minutes that she arrived.

Anita stood up to welcomed Mathew whom approached her, stretching out her hand for a hand-shake as a form of courtesy greeting, but then she was stunned at how informal and casual Matthew dressed, like he wasn't even interested in her.

Matthew shook hands with Anita as he pulled a seat to sat opposite to Anita and Anita asked him, "Why did you dressed so informal?. I won't have recognized you, if I didn't know you before."

Matthew smiled hearing Anita's words as he knew if he had dressed sweetly to charmed her, he wouldn't have gotten her attention so he choosed to dress otherwise.

"Nothing much, I just decided to look nice and not to charming, you know.." Matthew winked at her and smiled and Anita shook her head and asked him, "Really?."

"Don't get offended with my casual look, I will dress better some other time to impress you, let get to know ourselves better first" Matthew said and Anita answered him "Okay."

"What will you like to be served?" Matthew asked, staring to Anita's face and Anita replied coldly, "Am not hungry or tasty to eat anything. Am okay, let just discuss as to why we are here in the first place."

Matthew didn't said anything next and he stared away from Anita and beckoned on a waitress in waiting to serve them chicken pepper soup and some pizza and cold wine to dilute as he loved drinking wines too while Anita was quite all thru.

After being served, Matthew went on eating the pepper soup alone while Anita gulped on her saliva not saying anything too as she felt awkward sitting and staring to Mathew eating.

Later Matthew asked her, "You care for some?."

Mathew ate his pepper soup beef and used his spoon to took up another slice of chicken, wanting to feed Anita, and Anita stared to Matthew in shocked, but she didn't reject his kind gestured towards her mouth as she had never been treated like that in her past relationships not even Patrick, so Anita accepted Mathew's spoon full of chicken pepper-soup and ate the beef from Mathew spoon as Mathew continued feeding her and eating alongside with her.

After they had finished eating it together, Mathew smiled to Anita and drank some of wine and said, "I know you might still be finding it hard to accept my proposal to you, but am really serious about you and want to marry you. My proposal to your father for your hand in marriage is not a contract marriage nor arrange, as I really do love you Anita right from the first day I had first meet you at the modelling shoot, even before you meet and fell for Patrick, but I wasn't fast before and I couldn't told you how I truly felt about you, As you were already dating Patrick then, but I guess fate is still on my side to have you. Please give me a chance to prove my love to you?" Matthew asked and Anita just stared at Mathew in disbelief as she had truly Known Mathew and the Days family because of how powerful and influential they were in City A.

Matthew's father has political connections with the government of their state, so Mathew's family was seen as nobles and elites in City A and Anita wasn't abled to said anything in response to Matthew's proposal to her .

Anita knew if she married into Days family, she would be highly connected and respected just like Matthew's older brother's wife whom was an Actress too and was so full of herself, because of her husband influence and Anita finally spoked, "Am sorry but I do think I will still need some time to think about your marriage proposal and me loving you back in return. I still love Patrick and can't belief what he told me to be true. I will await Patrick's return first, to finally end things with him as his not currently around in the city, till then let just be mutual friends "

"Okay" Mathew didn't rejected and he smiled calmly at her and said, "As you please my lady."

Mathew later escorted Anita off to where Anita had previously parked her car when she arrived and Anita thanked him for his understanding and left.